How long does it take to recharge the battery?


This characteristic refers to a parameter that determines the amount of energy stored in the battery. Many vehicle owners believe that by purchasing a battery with a large charge, they save a lot. But it is important to avoid such acquisitions. Since the vehicle generator is designed for a different parameter. Therefore, the battery simply will not be fully, 100% charged.

The optimal parameter for the Lada Grant is 62 Ah. This is precisely the characteristics of the batteries that will be optimal. At the same time, a battery with a smaller capacity simply will not start the car engine. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid purchasing a battery with a parameter that is too low.

The battery is dead, how to charge without charging

If the energy of a dead battery after a long period of inactivity is not enough to set the car in motion, charging from external sources will be required. This could be recharging from the battery of another car or using an external energy source in the form of a battery or booster. You may have to use a pusher. How to apply the first pulse charge, in the future the generator will add energy, but after an emergency drop in charge, it is necessary to take measurements and charge the dead battery with a network station.

Starting current

Starting current is the value on which engine starting depends. Moreover, the larger this value, the easier it will be to start the engine. It should be noted that the standard, nominal parameter is 450 A. But it is also possible to install a battery with a starting current of up to 600 A. This will not affect the operation of the vehicle in any way. At the same time, you need to remember that there is a certain dependence of the capacitance on the inrush current. There is a wide list of nuances and subtleties when choosing a battery for Lada Granta.

What battery should I buy for the Lada Granta?

Before we touch on the technical nuances of rechargeable batteries from well-known brands, I would like to note that buying a cheap battery will entail a lot of hassle, which will ultimately force you to spend money and purchase not only a more expensive one, but at the same time a high-quality battery. So don’t waste your money, but immediately pay attention to well-known brands of batteries that fall under the proverb “price = quality”

Probably, many car owners know about batteries from well-known brands such as “Varta” or “Bosch”; by purchasing such a battery, you will certainly make the right choice. But, based on my own experience, I want to tell you a secret that in the domestic market there is a battery that is not only not inferior to well-known brands, but also to some extent has an advantage over them. We are talking about batteries from the Turkish brand “Mutlu”. These batteries have a service life of at least five years, do not require maintenance, are vibration and heat resistant, have low self-discharge, but most importantly, have excellent cold start current readings, and at the same time the price of such batteries is lower than that of well-known analogues.

Dimensions and polarity

It is important to arm yourself with a ruler or tape measure before going to the store. Since there are special parameters related to the installation location and battery connection. The standard parameters of the niche where installation is carried out have the following dimensions:

  • length – 242 mm;
  • height – 190 mm;
  • width – 175 mm.

The standard type of fastening is also used - B13. It is important to remember exactly where the battery terminals are located. All AVTOVAZ vehicles use “straight” polarity. The terminals are placed in a similar way on Korean, Japanese, and Chinese cars. Determining the type of polarity is quite simple:

  • place the battery facing the viewer;
  • look at the location of the positive circuit.

If the positive contact is on the left and the negative contact is on the right, then you have a battery with straight polarity. You need to familiarize yourself with all the features and nuances of choice in advance. This is the only way to avoid making standard, typical mistakes.

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Some drivers have the opinion that there is no need to “care” for the battery. But in fact, maintaining this unit can save both money and your time. True, this is not even too difficult - you just need to periodically check the amount of electrolyte in the battery of your Lada Granta. If the level is low, it means that the charge is high due to a problem in the generator. If only one element leaks, the entire device will soon break down. Especially if it's cold weather. If you add electrolyte yourself, you must take into account that during the charging process its level increases.

How often should I check the charge at the battery terminals in my battery?

Experts say that at least once every two months you should monitor the voltage at the battery terminals. Typically, the battery may lose some water from the electrolyte and as a result we get a decrease in the reserve level of the electrolyte, as well as an increase in the acid content in it. All this does not add life to the battery. In addition, the battery life is affected not only by the electrolyte, but also by the condition of the car as a whole. If the car sits idle for a long time, it is better to disconnect the battery from the network. If this is not done, then the probability of successfully starting the engine approaches zero. If you have a new battery and you did everything correctly, but your Granta still won’t start, then apparently the problem is a short circuit. And if the battery is old, then it is discharged on its own.

There are usually three reasons for battery drain. - current leakage from the electrical network - defects in the operation of the generator - long-term use of network consumers with a non-working motor.

Now let's look at the reasons that can lead to battery failure. Most often, this happens due to defects in the manufacturing process, improper use of the battery, or it simply becomes obsolete and exhausts its resources. The battery wears out due to improper conditions of use. This can be either overcharge or undercharge. But if the charging voltage increases significantly, then too much water is lost so much that the upper parts of the plates and separators remain bare. It won't be long before the battery explodes. Often the reason that the charging voltage decreases is also a decrease in the tension of the alternator drive belt. So it’s better to check the belt tension every month and adjust its position if the situation requires it. It also sometimes happens that the battery fails during the period of the current warranty - due to poor operating conditions. But the case of accelerated wear does not apply to this. The battery may exhaust its life due to defects in additional equipment or the car being idle in traffic jams in the cold winter. The battery can also simply “grow old” - corrosion, for example.

How do you know if the battery is still good?

If finances allow, you need to do a test discharge - this service is available in specialized service centers.

You can find out for yourself when it is time to change the old battery. Russian-made batteries installed on the Lada Granta usually have a warranty period of 1 year. But every battery has its own reserve, which depends on the operating conditions of the machine and its technical condition as a whole. Again, only by checking the density of the electrolyte, if it remains under the plates at all, and by measuring the voltage at the pole outputs, you can understand that the battery is outdated and needs to be replaced. If the density is OK, then the problem is in the circuit inside the battery or in the starter itself, or maybe in the wiring. It is better to check the battery charge in starting mode.

If after half a minute the output voltage is more than 9.6 volts, the battery can continue to be used. And if not, then it’s better to replace it with a new one. The key to battery longevity The lifespan of a car battery can be increased - there are recommended methods for this. The bottom line is that the possibility of stable battery operation can be determined by the main operating mode. But you should not top up the battery with water or electrolytes of questionable quality, and you should also not keep the battery in a state of discharge. In general, it is better to follow the manufacturer's instructions. To check the condition of the battery yourself, you can measure the density of the electrolyte or the voltage of the pole outputs. To an even greater extent, the working condition of the battery depends on the correct operation of electrical equipment. This includes a starter, a generator, and even a voltage regulator. If the wiring in the car is defective, the battery may fail at any time. The main thing to remember is that the battery life is not infinite and is decreasing all the time, but how long the battery will last depends only on the caring owner.

Different times of the year have their own characteristics of using batteries. Starter batteries are used all year round, as they are made in a general climatic way. But the performance of the battery decreases most when starting the engine in cold weather, for example, in frosty winter. What happens under the hood in winter? Obviously, the electrolyte has a lower temperature than usual - and because of this, its normal properties deteriorate. Thus, the battery discharges faster, giving up more energy than in the summer for the same things - for example, starting the engine. Also, the process of rapid discharge is facilitated by longer use of lighting devices. To avoid unforeseen situations in winter, it is recommended to check the tension of the alternator belt drive, and also not to turn on consumers when the engine is turned off.

It also happens that ice forms in the battery cells. This is the result of a sudden transition of the battery from a state of charge to a state of discharge and back. At the end of the charge, a low level of sulfuric acid is formed in the battery. In general, the density of electrolytes is almost equal to the density of water at this moment - slightly more than unity. In lead batteries, when discharged, water decomposes into separate elements - oxygen and hydrogen. Oxygen oxidizes the positive plates, thereby accelerating the corrosion process. The rest of the hydrogen and oxygen accumulate and bubble under the cell covers. If the battery is not clogged, then nothing will happen, the gases will simply come out. And if a spark hits, an explosion can occur.

Safety comes first! Here are some safety tips. Do not smoke when starting the engine from an external source. The donor car and the car being charged should not have any contact points. And before you disconnect the cable, you need to check that everything is actually turned off.

Battery cost

It should also be noted that the duration of continuous operation is also affected by the manufacturing company. On the positive side, products from Bosch, Varta, and Multu have proven themselves. The batteries of the Tyumen Battery Plant perform well. Moreover, even in sub-zero temperatures the car starts easily.

The cost of a battery for a Lada Granta car

Manufacturer's nameStarting current, ACapacity, AhCost, rubles
AKOM47060From 2 700
BOR48060From 1 900
Varta60061From 5 800
EXIDE63075From 5 900

What should I change it to?

The format of this article does not include consideration of battery selection, but the main points need to be mentioned. For beginners, the most reasonable option would be to buy a battery with parameters similar to the old model. With all this, it is not necessary to choose exactly the same manufacturer. Properties such as rated voltage, capacitance and inrush current are universal and do not depend on the manufacturer. Study the label of the old battery . An example is shown below. The options you need are circled in red.




What to do if the battery is dead

It is best to recharge the battery if it is completely discharged. If the battery is completely damaged, you need to purchase a new one. But it often happens that a car with a faulty battery needs to be started. In this case, you need to follow the algorithm:

  • You need to turn on the low beam headlights for 20 seconds - this will create the movement of molecules inside the battery;
  • move the gear shift lever to the neutral position, keep the clutch depressed;
  • after the specified time has passed, the light will need to be turned off and the ignition turned on;
  • Turn the starter - the engine should start in the first two revolutions.
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