How to check the oil pressure sensor of a VAZ 2106

Any car enthusiast is interested in the proper and correct operation of all systems responsible for the functionality of the components and mechanisms of the vehicle. First of all, this applies to the power plant of the car, where the VAZ 2106 oil pressure sensor is one of the main components of the system. After all, the indicator of the oil pressure in the engine clearly indicates the degree and quality indicators of lubrication of the components of the engine unit.

Thus, with pressure parameters below the recommended values, the quality of the lubricant of the associated mechanisms will also decrease, which will lead to failure of the motor unit. Thus, the car enthusiast will face a long and very expensive average repair of the engine unit. Therefore, to control the condition of the lubrication system, an engine oil pressure sensor of a mechanical operating principle is provided. “Sixes” and other VAZ models with a classic transmission are equipped with MM-393A oil pressure sensors or their equivalents.

Car enthusiasts often wonder where the oil pressure sensor is located so that they can check it in the current situation. We inform you that this motor component is located in the aft part of the power plant on the left in the direction of travel. For the control function of reading the parameters of the device in the interior of the “six”, a dial-type pressure level indicator is integrated into the instrument panel, making it possible to monitor pressure parameters. The warning light installed in it lights up when this parameter reaches an extremely low value. So this device functions as an emergency oil pressure sensor, which allows you to turn off the engine in time before it fails.

How the VAZ 2106 oil pressure sensor works and works

The design of the oil pressure sensor on the VAZ 2106 is quite simple, so, in general, it is reliable. The principle of its operation is that deformations are read from an elastic membrane. The membrane itself, under the influence of oil, deviates from its initial position. The distance by which the membrane has moved is fixed by the resistor, it is also called a variable rheostat. Each change in resistance is transmitted to a pressure gauge with an arrow.

To transmit a signal from the motor to the instrument panel, the following elements are used:

  • oil sensor;
  • temperature compensation and variable resistors;
  • a magnet that returns the arrow to its original position;
  • warning lamp;
  • windings;
  • fuse.

The VAZ 2106 oil pressure sensor and all other elements are powered by the battery after the ignition is turned on. If the pressure sensor breaks, it is easier to simply replace it with a new one than to try to repair it. Firstly, it is not expensive, and secondly, after repair it may show incorrect indicators.

The pressure sensor operates in the range: 0.2 kgf/sq. cm. – 0.6 kgf/sq. cm. If you convert to MPa, you get 0.02 - 0.06. If the pressure in the oil line corresponds to this range, then the contacts of the sensor are open. If suddenly the pressure in the line is higher or lower than the specified range, the sensor contacts will close, after which the warning light will immediately light up.

The model of this oil pressure sensor is MM393A, it is installed on VAZ 2106, 2121 and some of their modifications.

Oil pressure sensor VAZ 2106

The operating principle of the oil pressure sensor is based on the property of deformation of an elastic membrane under the influence of liquid (oil) or gas pressure. Almost all pressure sensors are based on this property of materials. The amount of membrane shift is mechanically transmitted to a variable resistor (rheostat), the change in its resistance is recorded by the vehicle’s equipment and displayed on the pressure gauge.


1. Connect the “orange wire” to the positive of the ignition switch.

2. “White wire”, to the dimensions wire,

3. We throw the “white and black” wire to ground.

4. Gray wire to the emergency oil pressure sensor (which we had, standard)

5. We connect the “dark gray and black” wire to the oil pressure sensor (indicator) we installed.


To replace the oil sensor, no special knowledge of plumbing is required, and this work is a simple technological process. We stock up on a standard set of plumbing tools and begin repair work. The sequence of technological operations is as follows:

Disconnect the oil pressure sensor and the wiring that goes with it.

Using a wrench, unscrew the device.

We dismantle the product and install the updated device.

How to check

As a rule, anything related to pressure is usually checked using a pressure gauge. Screw in the pressure gauge instead of the sensor and start the engine. At idle speed, the pressure gauge should show a pressure of 0.65 kgf/cm2 or more, we can conclude that the pressure is OK, but the pressure sensor is not, so an immediate replacement of the oil pressure sensor is necessary.

If you don’t have a pressure gauge on hand and somewhere in the middle of the highway your oil pressure light comes on, you can check the pressure sensor in another way. To do this, you need to unscrew the sensor and turn the starter without starting the engine. If, during rotation by the starter, oil splashes or pours from the socket where the sensor was installed, we also conclude that the sensor is faulty and requires replacement.

How to check whether the VAZ 2106 oil pressure sensor is working properly

If you suddenly notice that the oil pressure has dropped to 0 and even the lamp comes on, this does not mean that it is time to panic. The point may be that the VAZ 2106 oil pressure sensor itself is not working correctly, despite the fact that everything is in order with the engine. First you just need to turn off the engine.

Open the hood and see what’s there: if there are no oil drips, then you should check the oil level in the engine using a dipstick. If the oil is low, it may be because the oil line pressure is low.

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To understand the reason, you need to diagnose the sensor in a garage or at a service station - take a pressure gauge whose measuring range coincides with the range of the oil pressure sensor. You also need to remember that the thread at the connection point of the VAZ 2106 sensor has the following designation: M14x1.5. This means that the diagnostic device must also have these parameters, or you can select an adapter with this designation.

To remove the oil sensor you will need an open-end wrench. These steps must be performed with the engine turned off. Instead of the sensor, a pressure gauge is installed, then you need to turn on the engine and see what the actual oil pressure in the line is.

Next, you can press the gas pedal, after which the engine speed will increase, and see what the maximum oil pressure is. If the pressure gauge shows that everything is normal, then you just need to change the pressure sensor. If not, then look for the problem further.

How to Check the Oil Pressure Sensor of a VAZ


gauge VAZ-2114

No gas engine can operate without a lubrication system. Motor oil, pumped by the oil pump, is supplied through special channels to all moving elements of the unit, reducing friction and removing their excess. Reducing the oil pressure in the system will inevitably lead to the fact that it will not reach the right place in the right quantity. And this, in turn, will become a prerequisite for increased friction and wear of parts.

Keep it under control pressure in car engines is called a dedicated pressure sensor (DDM). With its help, the driver can always find out how well the lubrication system is working.

In this article we will tell you what the VAZ-2114 oil pressure sensor is and what its operating principle is. We'll also look at how to test DDM for performance and change it if it fails.

Design and principle of operation of DDM

The VAZ-2114 oil pressure sensor has a rather conventional design. This consists of:

  • iron body;
  • measuring membrane;
  • contact closure mechanism;
  • connector for transmission wire.

The principle of DDM is approximately the same. The oil in the system, under pressure, presses through a hole in the housing onto the measuring membrane of the sensor. Contacts with all this are in an open state. When the pressure in the system drops, the membrane equalizes and the contacts close. So, the Makar oil pressure sensor of the VAZ-2114 sends a signal to the vehicle control unit (ECU). The controller, in turn, informs the driver about possible malfunctions, including a warning light located on the device panel.

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If the VAZ-2114 oil pressure sensor lights up

Yes, the reddish oil on the instrument panel informs the driver that there is a malfunction in the lubrication system that requires immediate attention. What actions should the car owner take? First, don't panic and don't stop moving. And secondly, try to find out what else was a necessary condition for turning on the alarm device.

First you need to find out what the oil level is in the system. To do this, lift the cap and use a napkin or clean cloth to remove the dipstick. Based on the available scale, you can determine whether there is oil in the system and how much it costs. If the level is below the minimum level, it means that there is an oil leak in some places. A necessary condition for this may be a broken oil seal or a violation of the integrity of some gaskets. In addition, oil pressure can also be reduced due to severe wear on the piston rings. In this case, a complete repair of VAZ cars is carried out, which involves replacing piston parts.

In any case, it is better not to start the engine yet. And it’s better to tow the car to the nearest service station that repairs VAZ cars.

How to check the oil pressure sensor in emergency mode

A channel about do-it-yourself car diagnostics and car repairs in general.


check sensor

oil pressure
warning lamp
oil pressure

cars If everything is in order with the level, you should not be happy, as more serious breakdowns are possible.

Possible malfunctions in the lubrication system

oil pressure sensor can operate if any of the following defects occur:

  • obstruction due to its contamination;
  • the oil pump has failed;
  • clogged (dirty) oil intake grille;
  • there is interference in the sensor wiring;
  • The sensor itself has broken or failed.

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In the first case, changing the filter will be quite easy. As for the failure of the oil pump, in addition to repairs, it will be necessary to find and eliminate the reasons why it failed. A dirty oil intake grill indicates that the oil contains many harmful impurities. In this case, the oil must be replaced with a new one after flushing the system with a special liquid.

You can check the wiring using an automatic tester, starting from the DDM connector and ending with the connection to the computer.

Finding out whether the sensor itself is working is also easy. You can check this without any outside help, without the help of professionals.

Where is the sensor

First, let's find out where the VAZ-2114 oil pressure sensor is located. Its location may vary depending on the engine type. If it's an eight-valve, you'll need to locate the DDM from the rear of the engine to the right (if in the cabin) on the cylinder block under the valve cover. On engines with sixteen valves, the location of the oil pressure sensor is different. It is located at the end of the camshaft bearing housing.

Check the sensor

Sensor testing provides only a visual inspection. It is almost impossible to know whether this is the criteria for a house or a field.

Therefore, if there are traces of oil on the DDM housing, this means that the tightness of either the block itself or the threaded connection to the motor housing is compromised. Often, under certain circumstances, the DDM will begin to leak oil through its own housing. If you start the engine, you can monitor its leakage through the location of the electronic terminal connector. In this case, the sensor needs to be replaced.

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It happens that oil begins to leak out from under the DDM. This indicates a decrease in connection density. The pressure sensor has an aluminum ring that sometimes becomes unusable. You can fix this by replacing the ring.

Self-replacement of the sensor

In case everything points to a DDM malfunction, it is better to change it. Moreover, it costs pennies. The replacement process is very simple and takes no more than 10 minutes. The repair method is below.

Place the car on a level surface, lift the hood and disconnect the negative terminal from the battery. Then disconnect the connector from the sensor. Use a 21 open key to unscrew the sensor. At this time, a small amount of oil may leak from the DDM mounting point. If it works, wipe off the oil with a clean rag.

Seeing the new sensor and its O-ring, reinstall it and tighten it with a wrench. Connect the DDM power cable and battery terminal.

How to do it yourself: check the oil pressure

System pressure is checked with a fluid pressure gauge equipped with threaded fittings at the end of the test hose. It screws into the same hole as the sensor. The engine is then started and measurements are taken. For VAZ-2114 cars, the operating pressure should be 0.65 atmospheres. Differences from this rule indicate defects in the lubrication system.

It’s good if you don’t have such a pressure gauge in your arsenal, check the pressure “by eye”. To do this, the oil pressure sensor is removed from the technological hole, after which the crankshaft (without) is rotated by the starter. At normal pressure, a fountain removes oil from the hole. This method, of course, does not guarantee normal operation of the system, but it may justify the operation of the oil pump.

How to install a new oil pressure sensor on a BAZ-2106 or other cars

There are drivers who do not like the sensors that are installed on later VAZ models. For example, on 8s and 9s it makes sense to install an oil pressure sensor from a VAZ 2106. The procedure for replacing the sensor is quite simple, and anyone can handle it.

  • First you need to buy a new sensor with an indicator and wires. An adapter is also needed that will connect the new system to the cylinder block.
  • The 9 or 8 does not have room for a pressure indicator, unlike the 6. Some owners replace the headlight range control knob, which does not work, with a sensor indicator. And for those whose headlight range control knob works, it makes sense to cut a special socket in the instrument panel to accommodate the oil pressure sensor indicator. Such a nest can be made with an electric drill with a thin drill. The holes must be drilled in a pre-marked circle, then using a round file, adjust the location for the VAZ 2106 oil pressure sensor. An adapter with a copper O-ring must be placed in the place where the standard sensor was located. Then you need to attach the sensor from the VAZ 2106 through this copper ring.
  • Next, you need to connect the dial indicator to the sensor using wires.

After the work has been done, you just need to check whether the new sensor works.
But this is for those who really liked the oil pressure sensor from the 6. Of course, a simple system, clear instruments that show exactly what pressure is in the oil line, and if the sensor breaks down, you can simply throw it away and install a new VAZ 2106 oil pressure sensor yourself; it is not at all expensive - about 300 rubles.

And then a video on how to distinguish a high-quality sensor from a fake:

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