How to use a multimeter for dummies

  • Login to ATI
  • Free ATI features
  • Registration in your personal account AutoTransInfo
  • Data in the ATI personal account and participant rating
  • Main functions of the ATI personal account
    • Search for cargo on AutoTransInfo
    • Calculation of ATI distances
    • Adding cargo to AutoTransInfo
    • Adding cars
    • Partner verification
    • Tracking account statistics
  • Video instructions for working with the ATI website
  • ATI website technical support contacts
  • Reviews about the site AutoTransInfo

The largest freight transportation exchange in Russia and the CIS is AvtoTransInfo, or ATI. On the site you can find information on cargo that requires transportation, or on machines for loading, sign an agreement, check the reliability of partners and much more. ATI offers free and paid services. To access the latter you need to purchase a license.


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The information is up to date. Updated 08/22/2020

Login to ATI

If you are registered on the site, then to log in, click the “Login” button in the upper right corner. The Login to your ATI personal account form will open in front of you. Enter:

  • your login;
  • your password.

You can check the box and agree so that the site remembers you and then next time you will not need a login and password.

Authorization on the official website

your name

For example, Viktor Orlovsky

Your email

No spam, guaranteed

Login to the site

By clicking on the “Submit” button, you consent to the processing of personal data, and also confirm the terms of the “Privacy Policy” of this site.

Or login via:

Choose a communication method convenient for you

AppStore Use your Apple Store account. We guarantee safety

Google Play Use your Google Play account. We guarantee safety

The system also allows you to restore access if you have lost data. To do this, click on the “Forgot your password or login” link. The site will offer you to restore access in one of two ways:

  1. By phone.
  2. By login.

If you chose the first method, enter your phone number and click Continue. A confirmation will be sent to your phone in the form of a code in a message. Enter it into the form and restore your login to the ATI system.

If you chose the “By login” method, then a form with a phone number linked to your account will open in front of you. A robot will call this number; you need to enter the last 4 digits of the phone number from which the call is coming. Or receive an SMS code. Enter the data in the appropriate field and restore access.

We measure DC voltage.

Let's start by measuring DC voltage

: This sector is divided into five subranges with measurement limits:

1. 200mV

2. 2000mV
3. 20V
4. 200V
5. 1000V

indicating the maximum value of the subrange within which the measurement is carried out.

Insert the measuring probes into the corresponding sockets as in the photo. The red probe is usually called “ positive”

”, and black, “
” or “

Let's look at an example using a AA battery. It is known that its voltage is 1.5 Volts, and to measure it we choose the limit " 20

", which corresponds to the range from 0 to 20 Volts.

We take the measuring probes of the multimeter and touch them to the “ positive”

" and "
" contacts of the battery and the indicator showed a voltage value of
Volts. The measurement is completed.

As you can see, everything is very simple - the main thing is to choose the right measurement limit


We measure a voltage of an unknown value.

There are times when the voltage value is unknown even approximately, and in order not to burn the multimeter, the switch is switched to the maximum measurement limit "1000

", which corresponds to the range from 0 to 1000 Volts. And then, gradually reducing the range, the corresponding value of the measured voltage is found.

For example. We don't know what voltage our battery has, so we'll start at the limit." 1000

" We take the measuring probes of the multimeter, touch them to the battery contacts and see zeros on the indicator. Zeros indicate that there is no voltage or its value is too small.

Go ahead. Move the switch to position " 200

"And again we touch the battery contacts with the probes.
Now the voltage readings have appeared on the indicator, and this is almost enough to understand that it is 1.4

However, we have a zero ahead of us, and it just means that we can lower it further and measure the voltage more accurately. Let's go down to the limit" 20

The indicator displayed the real voltage of our battery, namely 1.49

In this way, without knowing the exact value of the measured current, voltage or resistance, its true or close to the true value is found.

There are still times when the multimeter indicator displays a unit (1

). This indicates that the measured voltage or current is higher than the measurement limit that is set. In this case, you need to move up a step. Try to avoid this as little as possible.

We have two subranges left unconsidered: this is 2000mV

(millivolts) and
, which are designed for measuring small voltages. As a rule, they work on these subbands when they adjust the operating modes of transistors or transition stages in amateur radio circuits.


mV – corresponds to the range from 0 to 2 Volts;
mV – corresponds to the range from 0 to 200 mV (millivolts).

Another nuance that needs to be mentioned is when, when measuring direct voltage or current, you will not know where the “ positive”

" or "
" contacts and accidentally mix them up - there is nothing terrible here.
sign will simply appear on the left side in front of the numbers .

In this way, the polarity of the voltage can be determined.

Free ATI features

AutoTransInfo allows you to simplify transport logistics and minimize costs absolutely free.

ATI functions that are available free of charge to each site user after registration:

  • contacts in open loads;
  • ability to add loads;
  • ability to add transport;
  • participation in the rating;
  • information on the forum;
  • creation of platforms and participation in them.

This is interesting!

Any user of the site can submit a request for the desired transport completely free of charge. The carrier can post information free of charge about the availability of transport that is awaiting loading.

A client who has visited the ATI website can submit a request for the required transport for free. The carrier can post information about his transport, which is awaiting loading, for free.

If the user wants more functions of the site, then he must pay for a license.

To gain access to paid services, you can top up your virtual balance - this is your internal account on the site. From it you can pay:

  • license - limited access to paid sections. The license validity period is from 30 to 360 days.
  • subscription;
  • creation and management of claims;
  • verification of partners.

Registration in your personal account AutoTransInfo

To receive additional features on the site, the user must register. It allows:

  • view contacts of open cargo and transport;
  • add cargo and transport;
  • use electronic documents ATI-Doki;
  • read and write on the forum;
  • participate in the ranking.

To register with ATI for free for cargo transportation, click the Registration button in the upper right corner. A form for a new participant will open in front of you. In it you need to enter data and come up with a login password for authorization:

  1. Your activity profile - indicate what you do (carrier, forwarder, cargo owner, dispatcher, forwarder-carrier, cargo owner-carrier, insurance company, legal services, car service, IT company).
  2. Email address to confirm registration.
  3. Create a username.
  4. Create a strong password.
  5. Enter your mobile phone number to which you will receive an SMS with a code to confirm your registration.

Before clicking the “Send SMS with code” button, read the terms of the User Agreement.

Then wait for a message to the specified mobile phone. Enter the code that comes and the system will automatically register you.

Check your email address. You will receive an email confirming your registration. Click on the “Confirm registration” button. Using the link, you will be automatically redirected to the ATI website - this will confirm your registration and your email address.

It is important to know

After registration, you have free access to the site. To gain access to paid services, you need to pay for a license or top up your virtual account.

Types of licenses

Payment Methods

Selecting the validity period of the ATI license

Choosing when to activate a paid license

Overview of the functionality of "AutoTransInfo"

How to register

Registration on the ATI.SU website is free and will allow you to place your cargo or vehicles.

The registration process on the site is very simple

After filling out all the fields and indicating your real e-mail, click “Register”, after which you confirm registration in a letter sent to you by e-mail. Now you are registered and can use part of the services of the AutoTransInfo website. To open full functionality, as we said above, you will have to pay a subscription fee.

Let's create a paid account

To pay for your account in the “User Account”, go to the “Payment for ATI services” section and select what services we need. Selecting the right service will not be difficult, since all the possibilities provided are described in detail. In addition, by paying for your account, you will receive 1.5 points in the “Reliability Passport”, which we will discuss below.

A paid account will allow you to use all ATI.SU services without restrictions

Search for vehicles (with video)

Vehicles are searched by entering parameters such as loading point, destination, loading date, body type and truck volume. After sending a request, the site displays information about cars that match the entered parameters. The search is performed almost instantly, which is a big advantage of this service.

But then the first difficulty comes to light - the amount of information available to an unregistered user. If you are not registered or have a free account, then the displayed information about available vehicles will be extremely sparse. More specifically, you will see a list of suitable cars, but almost all information for contacting them will be closed. At this point, willy-nilly, you’ll think about buying a paid account with a monthly subscription fee.

Search for cargo in Russia on ATI.SU (with video)

Searching for all kinds of cargo on the ATI website is also very simple. To view, you need to go to the “Cargos” section. Fill in the required search fields there and click “Find”. In addition, the AutoTransInfo website system allows you to use geographical lists, which we will write about below. The cargo search function in Ellipse allows you to search for cargo not only in precisely specified coordinates, but also in the same direction in the interval between specified cities.

You will be able to search for cargo not only in precisely specified coordinates, but also in the same direction

The capabilities of the AutoTransInfo service allow you to select a specific type of cargo for a vehicle. To do this, you just need to click on the “Select a suitable cargo” button and select the type of cargo intended for transportation on your vehicle.

List functions

Lists in ATI.SU play the role of a set of individual criteria - for example, company, city, etc. Each list has its own name. Any user of the AutoTransInfo website has the opportunity to create such lists to unite companies, cities or regions. Lists of companies in the ATI are a division of companies by categories and relationships to them - for example, black lists, partnerships, etc. This function is extremely useful and allows you to search for cargo or transport only from companies you trust.

Data in the ATI personal account and participant rating

After authorization on the official ATI website, your personal account will become available to you.

Enter your details in your personal account. If you are a private person, then check the appropriate box in the “I am a private person” box. And if you work for a company, then enter the company data:

  • name and legal form;
  • city ​​of work.

Fill in your contact details:

  • Full Name;
  • E-mail address;
  • mobile phone;
  • upload a photo;
  • indicate your work phone number;
  • add a note such as operating mode.

Add information for your partners so they can trust you:

  • brand;
  • title in English;
  • logo;
  • mailing address;
  • website;
  • additional information about your company.

It is important to know

After filling out all the data, you will be able to use the ATI Member Account. The system assigns you a participant code, it is visible in the upper right corner next to the rating stars.

The ATI rating is an internal user assessment system. For activities on the site you are awarded points (or deducted in case of complaints from other participants). Based on the rating and data in your passport, other registered people judge how reliable a partner you are.

Your account on AutoTransInfo needs to be confirmed:

  • a legal entity or individual entrepreneur must pay for any site license from his current account;
  • Individuals are required to send a notarized consent; its template can be found in your passport on the website.

Please note that if you do not log into your account for 60 days and there are no cargo advertisements or paid licenses on it, it will be deleted. The account can be restored, but:

  • you will be assigned a new code;

  • your rating will drop significantly.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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