Why the stove does not blow at the feet of the VAZ-2114 and how to repair it

Problems with interior heating can arise for various reasons. But they manifest themselves mainly in two indicators:
  1. The stove blows cold or slightly warm air.
  2. The stove does not turn on at all or does not work in all modes.

In this article we will look at the possible reasons why the stove blows cold air on a VAZ-2115.


One of the reasons for a non-working faucet is souring. As a result of corrosion under the influence of chemical liquids, the flag loses its mobility, and the tap stops opening or closing. If this happened when the tap was open, then warm air will flow inside even when no one needs it.

Sometimes a failed heater faucet in a VAZ 2114 leads to air in the system, the stove does not heat, and cold air enters the cabin.

But the most common defect is a leaking stove tap. Antifreeze gets into the car body and stains the floor mats. In both the first and second cases, it is necessary to replace the VAZ 2114 heater valve.

If you find antifreeze under your feet, do not rush to immediately buy a new faucet. The leak can come from a burst pipe; even the heater radiator can leak. First, find out where the antifreeze is leaking from, and only then go to the auto parts store to make purchases.

Reasons for decreased performance

Despite the simplicity of the design, problems with the VAZ-2114 stove often arise. They are mainly associated with a drop in the performance of the heating system - the stove heats the air poorly, blows cold or slightly warm air. In this case, the reasons for poor operation of the stove can be both general (warming up is weak at any control unit settings) and when operating in a certain mode, for example, at idle. Or, for example, cold air or slightly warm air blows only on the side windows, and in other modes the heating works normally.

Common reasons why the stove stops heating:

  • the heater radiator is clogged or an air lock has formed in it;
  • when switched to heating mode, the heater damper does not fit tightly to the body, which is why part of the air flow moves bypassing the radiator and enters the cabin cold;
  • the tap does not open completely - this is one of the main reasons for a poorly heating stove;
  • the formation of cracks at the joints of the housing and air ducts, which causes strong dispersion of the air flow.

It is not difficult to determine the cause of a general decrease in the efficiency of the heating system. To find out why the VAZ-2114 stove does not heat well, you need to remove the side decorative panels from the center console, and then warm up the engine and turn on the stove at maximum power. After this, we try the antifreeze supply pipe to the heater radiator up to the tap and behind it. The same heating temperature of the tube on both sides indicates that the tap is working properly and the problem lies in the radiator. If after the tap the pipe is less warmed up, the tap is jammed or does not open completely.

After this, we determine the temperature at the inlet and outlet pipes of the radiator. If the heat exchanger is not clogged and there is no plug in it, then the temperature of the outlet pipe will be lower than the inlet pipe. But if the outlet tube is cold, antifreeze does not circulate through the radiator, which indicates the formation of an air lock (airing) or clogging.


All owners of VAZ 2114, 2115 and other models unanimously claim that the original faucets that are equipped with the stoves of these cars are the most unreliable. The locking mechanism is a rubber membrane. Aluminum housings are susceptible to corrosion and quickly turn sour. True, the price of these parts is low - 80-120 rubles. Apparently, the price is calculated on the fact that the faucets will change every season.

Ceramic faucet is considered the most wear-resistant

But car owners don’t want to crawl under the car every time it gets cold, spoil their shoes with leaking antifreeze, and freeze inside the car. Yes, and this is a troublesome task - replacing the faucet on the VAZ 2114 stove. Therefore, motorists give preference to more reliable models of faucets:

  • ceramic, their locking mechanism is made of ceramic plates, and the body is made of high-quality plastic;
  • Ball valves, the locking element of which is a ball with holes.

Most VAZ 2114 owners prefer the Yavva ceramic faucet as one of the highest quality and most reliable. Although these models have lower heat transfer than ball models. The latter are susceptible to oxidation, but to a lesser extent than the duralumin models of AvtoVAZ cranes.

The VAZ 2114 stove does not heat well

Oh, those stoves! Let's try to figure it out.

Situation: The car owner’s interior is poorly heated by the stove, although warm air is supplied, and the engine temperature remains within 90 degrees. According to external signs, the radiator of the heating system is also hot and the pipes are in normal condition.

Question: What should I do?

Answer: Unscrew the side of the passenger torpedo (the brains) yourself and inspect in the area of ​​the engine shield there are 2 hoses that go to the heater. Feel how hot they are. If there is no heat there, then they are clogged. Clean it and everything will be as it should! Now check the engine using the sensor or on-board indicator.


You will need a pit to work with because the heater valve is located at the bottom of the hood, under the side trim on the passenger side. Replacing the stove valve on a VAZ 2114 is carried out in several stages:

  1. On the faucet, you need to brush the fasteners, rinse them with brake fluid, and leave them for a while so that the fluid cleans the threads on the studs and the nuts are easier to unscrew. To wash studs, it is better to use WD-40, if available. This is an important stage in the work, because rusted bolts can grab the nut so much that unscrewing them becomes problematic. Sometimes when unscrewing nuts, the bolts need to be held with an additional wrench or pliers.
  2. In the cabin, remove the side trim. Now you can see the pipes leading to the tap. Loosen the hose clamps and remove the hoses one by one. At the same time, keep a container with antifreeze near you, which you immediately place under the emptied pipes so that the remaining antifreeze flows out.
  3. If you decide to replace the hoses, they must also be released from the radiator. But if they are in satisfactory condition, then when you start assembling, you will only need sealant.
  4. Return to the pit and use a 10mm wrench to unscrew the nuts holding the tap in place.
  5. Go back to the body again and try to remove the heater valve of the VAZ 2114 towards the passenger seat. In this position, remove the lock and release the cable that controls the tap.
  6. Now you can install the new faucet. First put the cable on it, secure it with a spring clip, and only then can you screw it into place. Install O-rings between the valve and the body. Use sealant to secure the stove pipes in place. Don't forget to pour the antifreeze back into the radiator at the end.

Replacing the stove valve of the VAZ 2115, as well as the VAZ 2113, is carried out in the sequence described above. The design of the heater in these VAZ models is the same as that of the VAZ 2108.

Solving the problem with a faulty heater. Flushing the heater radiator

Cleaning the radiator of the VAZ-2114 stove is necessary only if the unit is clogged. This problem can manifest itself as a lack of heat, which should enter the cabin when the heating is turned on. Therefore, if the heater with activated positive heating does not function properly, you should check the level of antifreeze poured into the cooling system before removing the radiator. Antifreeze must be present in sufficient quantities in the system, and such a phenomenon as an air lock should not be observed.

The most “ancient” way to solve the problem

If a motorist has doubts about how to clean the stove on a VAZ-2114, he should start by draining the antifreeze that fills the cooling system of the power unit.

You should first stock up on several packages of citric acid, and you should have at least 100 grams available. of this substance. Then the existing acid should be poured into clean water. Experts recommend boiling the water first and letting it sit. It is important to calculate the volume of liquid required, which should be equal to the amount of antifreeze. As a result, the existing solution should be poured into the cooling system.

After this, you should drive your car as usual for a week, without mixing citric acid with water. After a week, you should remove the water, which will most likely have a black color due to dirt.

Hose system for flushing the radiator with citric acid

The only thing that should be taken into account is that flushing the radiator of the VAZ-2114 stove should be carried out in the warm season or in the garage, since under no circumstances should the car be allowed to remain in the cold for a long time. Otherwise, the water in the system will freeze and the consequences may be more than tragic.

What the experts recommend

If the owner of a domestic vehicle does not know how to clean the heater on a VAZ-2114, he can start by removing the pipes coming from the inlet and outlet of the heater radiator.

After this, having previously purchased 2 liters of Coca-Cola at the grocery store, you can use a specially prepared hose, “put on” over the inlet of the unit, to place boiling water inside the unit through a watering can. You should pour as much liquid into the system as will fit.

Flushing the cooling system with Coca Cola

Then you should remain inactive for at least an hour. By the way, such manipulations should not be carried out in the cold season, so that the car does not stand in the cold.

After this, you need to start blowing out the radiator of the heating device using compressed air in the compressor. Typically, a lot of dirt should come out.

The process can be optimized using hot water. It must be introduced into the cooling system after purging. By the way, this step can be repeated several times.

Thermostat and thermostat pipes VAZ 2114

Then you should connect all the removed elements to the radiator, place the pipes in the required places and add antifreeze. After such actions, its level will most likely decrease. As a result, you can simply start the car and get rid of the airlock if it occurs.

Heating system

The stove and bypass valve, integrated into the cooling system of the machine, are the main heating elements. The heater radiator is heated due to the high temperature of the engine coolant, which also enters the heat exchanger.

So if the pump is in order, the thermostat is working, the heater fan is not burned out, the air ducts are not clogged, the antifreeze level is normal and there is no air lock in the cooling system, then the cause of poor heating is contamination of the heater radiator.

This happens because all the dirt traveling through the system ends up in the heater radiator, gradually clogging its cells. Over time, this leads to a decrease in the temperature of the air entering the vehicle interior.

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