Shifting gears on the Prior

How to change gears correctly

In this article I want to give a basic understanding of the essence of the gear shifting process, which will allow you to automatically select the correct gear to drive each time in order to ensure the desired driving mode in a specific situation and get:
If we switch to second at this moment, then the wheels They will also move at a speed of 25 km/h, but the engine will spin at lower speeds, approximately 1800 rpm. The engine will be under heavy load at this moment. This is similar to a long and short lever - the long one is easier to move, but you need to cover a greater distance, while the short one will require more force, but you won't need to deflect it much.

Operating principle and troubleshooting of the VAZ 2110 gear shift mechanism

A separate important gearbox component is the gear selection mechanism. It has a special speed selection lever, as well as two locking brackets. One arm of the selector lever turns on the forward stroke, the second serves to turn on the rear.

If the described adjustment did not help you, you need to remove and disassemble the VAZ 2110 gearbox. Pay special attention to the fact that the gears with which the first and second speeds are engaged often knock out. Be sure to check each fastener.

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Lada Priora Hatchback — WhiteAnomaLia — › Logbook › Shifting gears, how to and how not to)))

In non-professional circles, and often in professional ones, there are a lot of misconceptions about gear shifting. The purpose of this article is to tell you how to do it correctly. We do not set ourselves the task of covering all aspects and talking about all the intricacies of gear shifting, for example, how and in what cases you can shift without using the clutch. We want to explain the correct basic technique. This will answer almost all your questions and dispel any confusion, allowing you to confidently and correctly change gears both on the track and on the street.

First, we will explain what a gas booster is and why it is needed. Imagine that you are driving 60 km/h... Suddenly a fancy Sky with neon lighting “flies up” to you from the left and starts honking and accelerating. Of course, your action is to move on and I’m not in a hurry. But suppose you decide to answer the “challenge”. You need to shift from 5th gear to 2nd. If you simply depress the clutch, engage 2nd gear and release the clutch, the car will jerk very strongly, and the clutch with the gearbox will have a hard time. Why is this happening?

How to change gears correctly

Now let's discuss the details. Your car has started to move, first gear is engaged, the clutch pedal is fully released, and you are driving at low speed. Smoothly pressing the gas pedal, accelerate the car to approximately 20 km/h, remove your foot from the gas pedal and quickly, but not sharply, press the clutch pedal all the way. Immediately move the gear shift lever to the neutral position for one or two seconds (at this time the gears in the gearbox equalize the rotation speed), and switch to second gear. After changing gear, you need to quickly, smoothly release the clutch pedal and increase pressure on the gas pedal. Thus, you increase the fuel supply and accelerate the car in second gear, the speed becomes about 30-40 km/h.

The procedure for switching to third gear is the same as when switching from first to second, the only difference is that when accelerating you should reach a speed of about 35-40 km/h. Have you mastered driving in third gear? It's time to move on to the fourth, and then to the fifth.

Tip 1: Which speed corresponds to which gear?

To change gears correctly, you need to sharply squeeze the clutch all the way to the floor, while simultaneously removing your foot from the gas pedal. Then you need to smoothly and quickly engage the desired gear, first moving the gear lever to the neutral position, and then immediately to the desired gear position. After this, release the clutch pedal, slightly increasing engine speed to compensate for the loss of speed, release the clutch completely and significantly increase the gas.

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Manual transmission is quite common in both domestic and foreign cars. The art of driving, including precise control, good acceleration and motion control, lies in such cars, including the ability to change gears in time.

How to change gears correctly on a Priora

If when switching to higher gears it is necessary to observe the sequence and not jump, then when switching to lower gears this condition is not necessary, i.e. You can go from fifth gear to third or second, to do this you should reduce the speed to the required limit that corresponds to this gear.

We hold the lever in the neutral position for half a second and turn on the second one smoothly. transmission, release the clutch pedal to the point, hold it and grab it at this point for about half a second. Add gas while simultaneously releasing the clutch pedal to Return. Place your left foot on the platform next to the clutch pedal, and your right hand on the steering wheel.

How to change gears in a Priora car

Just keep in mind that this chart in no way claims to be a guide to action based on numbers. This shows only the need to change gears as the speed changes. All numbers (in the graph and further in the text) are given only so that you understand that it is impossible to use only first or only third gear in this life. Specific figures for your car with your driving qualifications are determined based on actual conditions. I am not a driving instructor, although I have significant driving experience.

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