Gearbox VAZ 2170 Priora

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Lada Priora gearbox shift diagram

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Tip 1: Which speed corresponds to which gear?

To change gears correctly, you need to sharply squeeze the clutch all the way to the floor, while simultaneously removing your foot from the gas pedal. Then you need to smoothly and quickly engage the desired gear, first moving the gear lever to the neutral position, and then immediately to the desired gear position. After this, release the clutch pedal, slightly increasing engine speed to compensate for the loss of speed, release the clutch completely and significantly increase the gas.

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Manual transmission is quite common in both domestic and foreign cars. The art of driving, including precise control, good acceleration and motion control, lies in such cars, including the ability to change gears in time.

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How to change gears in a Priora car

Just keep in mind that this chart in no way claims to be a guide to action based on numbers. This shows only the need to change gears as the speed changes. All numbers (in the graph and further in the text) are given only so that you understand that it is impossible to use only first or only third gear in this life. Specific figures for your car with your driving qualifications are determined based on actual conditions. I am not a driving instructor, although I have significant driving experience.

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