Radiator leak stopper LIQUI MOLY Cooling system sealant - negative reviews. Neutral. Positive. + Leave a review Negative reviews Anonim https://v_dguk.ukr/ru/sredstv

What kind of remedy is this?

This is a special mixture that has unique properties for eliminating small cracks and various holes in the radiator and cooling system. The composition resembles a pasty or viscous composition. It can be based on oligomers or various polymers.

The sealing layer is formed on the connecting seams.

This can occur as a result of vulcanization processes of the polymer base or due to evaporation of solvents. In addition, mixtures are distinguished where no changes occur. Different radiator sealants will suit different situations. Reviews and types of funds are further in our article.

What it is

Even before special products and automotive chemicals appeared, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers actively used one very piquant product called mustard.

No, they didn't pick the plant and put it in the radiator. They were interested in the powdered version of mustard. According to some rumors, the practice of using mustard began in Afghanistan, during military conflicts. When there were leaks in the radiators, this powder was poured into the system, the engine was turned on and heated. Literally after a few minutes the leak disappeared and the car could move on. How long and far, history is silent here.

When dissolved, mustard powder clogged literally all the holes it encountered along the way. After all, it is difficult to explain to ordinary powder that this particular hole needs to be closed and the other one not touched.

As a result, everything became clogged, from channels and bypass lines to pipes, compensation holes, etc. The leak did stop, but after that it required flushing and often replacement.

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Currently, motorists have switched to modern and more efficient means. But the meaning and essence of their application remain the same. Nobody uses powdered mustard anymore. Although the technique largely has echoes of the past. Such new generation products are called sealants. Only here it is important to take into account that we are talking specifically about special sealing agents designed to work with radiators on cars and other equipment. It is strongly not recommended to take construction sealant and pour it into the system.

Reading reviews and based on the opinions of motorists, we can say that sealant is a controversial and ambiguous thing. Some see only positive qualities in him. Others believe that it is better never to use them under any circumstances. And there is a third party who rationally approaches the assessment of strengths and weaknesses.

Powder compositions for radiators

So, the very first one is a composition in powder form. How to use it? Very simple. The powder is poured directly into the radiator, and the indications for use are even minor leaks. Experienced car owners do not use newfangled things, but prefer the old fashioned method - this is mustard, naturally dry, in powder. In addition, cigarette tobacco is also suitable. There is also a more exotic option in nature for eliminating leaks.

Among the advantages of dry preparations are wide availability and low cost compared to any other similar products existing on the market.

The downside is the small depth of defects that such a sealant for a car radiator can eliminate.

Reviews from experienced car enthusiasts indicate that dry sealant will cope with cracks up to 1 mm. The second disadvantage is that not only problem areas are sealed, or rather even clogged, but also any channels directly in the heating system.

Effect of sealants

Is it worth using sealants in the system, are they reliable? Such compositions have a unique method of application: when they get into a crack and come into contact with the liquid inside the tank, they begin to harden, taking the shape of a plug. This “patch” does not dissolve or spread, so liquid leakage is eliminated.

After polymerization, sealants are not subject to the negative effects of temperature changes and vibration, they work no worse than welds. If we consider metal-ceramic sealant, then upon contact with air it expands slightly, and is also very durable. This helps the composition to reliably eliminate even severe leaks.

Liquid mixtures

This is the second type of drugs. It is based on various polymer substances with a minimal proportion of metals. The main function of these compounds is to eliminate leaks in the engine block, and also only partially eliminate problems in the radiator cavity.

Polymers, as can be seen from their properties and characteristics, adhere to uneven surfaces and sharp edges. Defective elements seem to be enveloped. The main advantage of using these sealants is that the substance is constantly in the coolant. If you need to remove it, you should simply drain the coolant and the liquid radiator sealant will flow out with it. Reviews from experienced people say that such compounds are not much different from dry ones and are not able to cope with large holes.

Types of sealants for the cooling system

There are two types of these funds. This:

  • powder formulations;
  • polymer-based products.

Powder products work in the same way as mustard. The coolant is absorbed into the powder, causing it to swell and cling to the edge of the crack. A blockage forms in this place, which stops the leakage of liquid. Powder sealant is very effective for small crack diameters.

So, the diameter of the hole should not exceed 1.5 mm. If the crack is larger in size, then the use of these means will not help.

Polymer compounds harden when they come into contact with oxygen. After the composition has been poured into the system, it is mixed with the cooling mixture. Then, together with the coolant, the composition reaches the leak site, and under the influence of oxygen, the hardening process begins. These remedies are effective, but only if the hole diameter is no more than 1 mm.

How to use: instructions for use

Many people make one mistake when using these compounds. This happens due to ignorance of the main functional component. But the function of sealants is very, very simple - to completely reduce coolant leaks during temporary use. Unfortunately, you won't be able to use radiator sealant forever. Reviews from car enthusiasts agree that the effect of the drug can only get you to the nearest service center.

Operation may look like this: the driver pours the contents of the tube or bottle into the radiator, and then, after the car has driven into the garage or parking lot, it is necessary to immediately drain the coolant and thoroughly flush the system.

Next, you should repair the radiator.

Hi-Gear Stop Leak

The manufacturer here is also USA. The product is a fibrous substance of blue-green color. After the composition was thoroughly mixed, its operation seemed rather strange. The leaks stopped and appeared again. The first test hole became clogged only when all the liquid had completely drained from the cooling system reservoir. The product even clogged the drain hole.

The verdict is high efficiency, because plugs form even in fairly large holes. The work of the train is slow and spasmodic. Deposition levels are also high. Price – from 190 rubles, which is also very budget-friendly.

Recommendations for using sealants

So, if you have been able to diagnose a radiator leak, and this can happen both while driving and while parked, you need to turn off the engine and allow the coolant to cool sufficiently. It is then recommended to inspect the part for damage. To drain the liquid, it is better to place any suitable container under the radiator.

Do not open the radiator cap when the antifreeze has not yet cooled down. This may cause serious burns.

If the driver has any sealant, then it should be immediately poured or poured into the system according to the instructions. Then after a few minutes you can start the engine again. Next, the serviceability is checked and after nothing else is leaking anywhere, you can start moving.

Possible problems during use

If you purchased a low-quality or counterfeit sealant for the Hi-Gear radiator (reviews from those who have used it indicate the presence of counterfeits on the market), then in addition to a leak, you can get another not very pleasant “bonus”. The drug can clog thin channels in the radiator. The cooling system will be compromised, which will then lead to overheating, overloading, or ultimately engine failure.

In addition, the radiator of the cabin heater will definitely clog. Heat will either stop flowing into the cabin altogether, or the stove will operate with very low efficiency. The pump may also fail. And the thermostat often breaks. This will completely disrupt the operation of the power unit.

But all of the above can only be due to carelessness. Therefore, when choosing a drug, you need to inspect it for counterfeit products or get competent advice from the seller.

BBF "Super"

This is a domestic sealant for the engine cooling system. BBF reviews are generally positive. The product is a white emulsion. This composition works very effectively and according to the classic mixture. The holes are closed from smallest to largest. There are practically no deposits. The composition is created on a polymer basis, and the plugs in the holes are small and neat. Moreover, the estimated price of this composition is only 50 rubles. Despite the low cost, the product showed the best results among all.

Not the worst, but not luxury either: Hi-Gear

This is a fairly popular drug on the domestic market. According to the packaging, it is made in the USA. Its cost is about 200 rubles. This is a blue-green thick mixture. The manufacturer recommends using the composition not just for repairs, but for complex and serious repair work on car radiators. The active substance is polymer. It can eliminate even serious holes. But, as tests by independent experts show, this takes a lot of time.

If the hole is more than 1 mm, then there is no need to make plans that the repair will take a couple of minutes. Often, antifreeze will escape through such a hole before the drug begins to act. To be safe, it is better to carry two cans at once. When working, you should prepare for various consequences, such as a clogged drain hole or radiator plug. What do car enthusiasts who have used Hi-Gear radiator sealant say? The reviews are different and divided into two categories – negative and positive.

After using the parts, car owners had to change the thermostat and sensors, pump and other parts of the cooling system. Others claim that they have been using this sealant for about 2 years and are happy with the result.

Which sealant is better? Price and manufacturers

Not every sealant can be effective and safe.
To decide on the choice of sealant and decide which is better, let's look at several popular examples. Not all of them work the same, they all have different prices and characteristics. Tests of radiator sealants are carried out regularly, so we provide several tables with test results, main indicators and prices.

Test of sealants from the magazine Behind the wheel, as always, the results do not really coincide with real reviews

Super BBF New 325 ml

Made on a polymer base. Visually it looks like a white emulsion. Domestic manufacturer. On the market since 1996. During this time it has proven itself well. Has a fairly low price. Reviews are mostly positive. It takes 3 to 5 minutes to tighten the breakdown. Leaves minimal deposits. The manufacturer provides a guarantee of 36 hours of operation. In practice the period is much higher. Widely distributed, you can buy it at your nearest auto store. The optimal choice due to the price-quality ratio. Price: $1.3. Article: 3322.

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  1. Turn off the engine.
  2. Allow the engine to cool to 60 degrees.
  3. Shake the tube several times.
  4. Fill it into the radiator or expansion tank (the instructions do not specify the volume of sealant per liter of coolant).
  5. Start the car. Let it run for 10-15 minutes at idle speed.

Liqui Moly Kuhler Dichter 250 ml

Polymer base. Sealant from a famous German manufacturer. Suitable for eliminating microcracks and small bruises. Mostly, the manufacturer indicates that the product contains water-soluble monomer and plastic chips.

Reviews vary, from sharply negative to extremely positive. Associated with a large number of fakes. The price is about 5.2 dollars. Application:

  1. Shake the product.
  2. Start the car.
  3. Turn on the stove at maximum speed.
  4. Pour the solution in a ratio of 25 ml per 1 liter of coolant.
  5. Let it run for about 10 minutes

Hi-Gear Radiator Stop Leak

The American manufacturer gained its popularity thanks to high-quality decarbonization of the fuel system. Specializes in additives, additives and other auto chemicals. The sealant can eliminate fairly large damage. Reviews are mostly negative. The reasons for this are a large amount of deposits and problematic cleaning of the system.

Late activation of the product is also noted - up to half an hour. In such a situation, it is most likely that the coolant will not be preserved. The positive side is the longest service life among competitors - about 90 hours. The composition forms a durable shell and lasts for a long time.

Price: For 444ml $6.7, for 325ml they ask for 50 dollars. Article: HG9029 – 444 ml, HG9025 – 325 ml. Application:

  1. Turn off and let the engine cool.
  2. Drain 2-3 liters of coolant.
  3. Shake the can thoroughly.
  4. Pour the mixture into the radiator or into its upper pipe (15ml per 1 liter of coolant).
  5. Allow the engine to cool completely, then start it.
  6. Warm up for 5-7 minutes.
  7. Then turn it off again.

Wait 10-15 minutes.

Cooling system pump after treatment with Felix sealant


All products of this American brand are positioned as professional. They produce powder and liquid radiator sealant ABRO. The reviews are positive, it really works and quite quickly. The main thing is to strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions in everything. But after use, you need to pour it out of the system and rinse everything thoroughly - the channels in the CO become clogged.

Among the auto chemical products of this brand there is also dry powder radiator sealant ABRO. Reviews about it are the same. However, the product must also be removed, otherwise the channels will become clogged. Advantages - speed of operation, elimination of leaks up to 2 liters per minute, affordable price.

Gunk Radiator Sealer Super

This product is made in the USA. Its price is from 160 rubles. It is a thick brown mixture. It works quite quickly and efficiently. The product was able to close all the holes and almost simultaneously. However, there are too many deposits. This can be very dangerous if the radiator is old and dirty enough. Along with this product, you need to know how to flush your engine cooling system sealant.

We can say that the product is even effective. The speed of work is also at a good level. But among the disadvantages is a large amount of residual pollution. But this, again, is a budget option for an emergency.


This is another drug from a German manufacturer. According to the manufacturer, the substances will begin to work within 10 minutes after the power unit warms up to operating temperatures. The manufacturer does not talk about any unique properties of this product. This is an average sealant for a car radiator in its characteristics. Manol collects neutral reviews. They say that the liquid drug is much better than analogues from famous brands. The product does not clog the channels and there are no deposits after it.

Liqui Moly

There is not much point in talking about this brand. This is a well-known German manufacturer of lubricants.

But not only those. All automotive chemicals have been successfully produced for a long time. Many positions are used not only by ordinary car enthusiasts, but also by professionals.

The first product is Kuher Dichter. In inexpensive products, manufacturers may well slip mustard to a gullible buyer, but not here. This drug, according to the manufacturer, has absolutely no disadvantages and does not change the properties of antifreeze.

The product is a liquid with metallic “spangles”. They move through the cooling system without depositing on the internal walls and other elements until they find damage. This drug does not clog the channels, can enter the most inaccessible places, and does not interfere with the operation of the pump, thermostat, or sensors.


This is a domestic product, but custom made by Pride USA.

The product is a white emulsion based on a polymer. The composition is very easy to shake and begins to function as soon as it enters the tank.

During tests on sealing holes in a steel tube, he failed to cope with the largest hole of 1 mm, and there are four such holes in total. These are 0.3 mm, 0.5 mm, 0.8 mm and 1 mm. However, the remaining holes did not clog so quickly. The product also leaves behind a lot of deposits.

The price of this composition is reasonable, but in case of serious damage it will not help. He took the last, sixth place in the ranking. Owner reviews for this sealant for the engine cooling system are neutral. There is nothing good to say about him. But as an inexpensive train that will help you get to the service station, it is suitable.

Radiator sealant Liqui Moly: reviews

As you would expect, car enthusiasts do not discount the brand. Yes, this product works, but experienced drivers prefer an iron-on radiator repair. No matter what the manufacturer says, the channels still get clogged. German liquid only works against microcracks with warm or even hot antifreeze. The price is not very affordable (about 1000 rubles versus 500 for analogues from other manufacturers), it works worse than the Manol radiator sealant, reviews of which indicate better results.

The best of the best

So, what should you choose? All experts unanimously say that it is worth giving preference to BBF products. This is not an imported brand, but a domestic one. This is real efficiency. Within a few minutes, cracks up to 0.5 millimeters in size close tightly.

This composition also eliminates hard cracks - this takes up to three minutes. Another advantage is the affordable cost. What do reviews say about car radiator sealant? The Lada Kalina (and this is the car the product was tested on) was able to drive about 500 kilometers with a broken radiator.

Flushing after sealant

The channels of the system tend to become clogged after using these products. And then the question arises: how to flush the radiator? Special washes are sold for this purpose.

So, you can purchase “Reagent 3000”. It should be poured into the old fluid, and after 150 hours it will completely clean the cooling system. Another similar product is offered by Hi-Gear. The manufacturer assures that after just 7 minutes this mixture will wash everything away. Step-up is a sulfate-based preparation, diluted with water.

How to flush a radiator from sealant

As mentioned above, the use of sealant leads to the formation of plaque in the car’s cooling system on the internal surfaces of its components, which interferes with its normal operation. The consequence of this is the need to clean the system from contaminants using special means. There are several types of them, including the so-called folk, homemade and factory-made.

Thus, folk cleaning products include citric acid, acetic acid, the famous Fanta drink, lactic acid, whey, caustic soda. You can also dissolve the radiator sealant using factory-made products, which are currently abundant on the market. Some of the most popular are LAVR Radiator Flush Classic, Hi-Gear Radiator Flush, LIQUI MOLY Kuhler-Reiniger. They effectively clean the radiator and other elements of the cooling and heating system. Please read the operating instructions carefully before using them.

How to flush the engine cooling system?

List of products for cleaning the engine cooling system. What is better to rinse, and what is not worth cleaning the radiator and all components?


Using radiator sealant is a good temporary solution to fix an antifreeze leak, provided the damage is small. However, its constant use leads to significant clogging of not only the cooling system, but also the engine itself. On the Internet you can find many unpleasant stories about how sealants used on a regular basis literally “killed” internal combustion engines. Therefore, whenever possible, after using radiator sealant, perform appropriate diagnostics and repairs.

As for choosing a particular sealant for a radiator, it is better to use proven factory products, for example, those listed above in the rating above. It is undesirable to use folk remedies such as mustard or cigarette tobacco. This will significantly contaminate the cooling system, reducing its efficiency and shortening its service life.

Folk remedies for washing

If it is not possible to purchase factory washing, you can use improvised means. Previously, when there were no auto chemicals, vinegar, whey and citric acid were used.

When using vinegar, a solution of 0.5 liters of vinegar per 10 liters is required. water. The old liquid is drained, and a solution of vinegar and water is poured in its place. Then the engine is started, brought to operating temperatures, turned off and left for 8 hours. After draining the solution, the radiator and cooling system should be rinsed with distilled water and antifreeze can be added. If the sealant has clogged the system very badly, then you may have to clean it mechanically or fill it with pure vinegar.

If you use citric acid, you should take 100 grams of powder.

This mixture should be used for approximately six days. Next, the liquid is drained, and the remaining water and citric acid are washed off with distilled water.

You can also use serum. First of all, the product should be strained to remove sediment. To clean the system using this product, you need to travel no more than 1.5 thousand kilometers. Temperature and degree of contamination should be monitored. After cleaning, the entire system is also rinsed with distilled water.

As for factory flushes, judging by the reviews, they clog the system no worse than any sealant. Therefore, you shouldn’t get too carried away with them.

Features of the use of sealants

Industrial sealants for eliminating leaks in the cooling system have appeared on the market relatively recently, but the problem of antifreeze leaks has existed since time immemorial... So how did they deal with it before? Yes, as you have to! Some looked for a source of water and added it to the radiator, which allowed them to drive for some time. Others relied on the help of other drivers - in Soviet times this was easier. Still others used mustard powder, adding it to the cooling system along with water. This method was quite effective, since it allowed us to temporarily eliminate the leak and get to the repair site on our own.

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There are many examples when mustard saved lives, as has happened many times, for example, in Afghanistan, helping drivers out in extreme situations. After this method of sealing, it is possible to travel about 300 kilometers, and if you are lucky, then all 500. But after this, the radiator will have to be changed, since the powder clogged not only the leak site, but also the honeycombs.

However, few car owners would think to constantly carry brown powder with them. Another thing is the sealant of the cooling system of the power unit - it also allows you to temporarily eliminate the leak and drive home under your own power or to the intended place of repair and restoration work.

The effect of such a sealant on the condition of the CO is not so catastrophic, but it should be understood that a deterioration in its performance in this case is inevitable. Therefore, if, when the coolant level drops critically, it is possible to evacuate the car, it is better to use it. A sealant is an extreme option when there are no other ways to get to civilization and are not expected.

The principle of action of such drugs is extremely simple: at the site of a coolant leak, it forms a blood clot, which reduces the throughput in this place to almost zero. But excess sealant somehow settles in the lower part of the pipes, tubes or radiator channels in the form of a gel-like coating, which also reduces their permeability.

It is the radiator tubes that suffer especially badly - their design includes special swirl spirals designed to improve coolant heat transfer - without this, the antifreeze would cool much worse. But this place is a kind of bottleneck - it is on the swirlers that most of the sealant accumulates, reducing the throughput of the radiator and the cooling system as a whole. So if you had to resort to using this product, then at home you will have to thoroughly flush the cooling system and replace the antifreeze.

Finally, before using a sealant for the engine cooling system, you need to know that such a repair additive cannot eliminate through-through damage to the radiator - it only temporarily restores coolant circulation, sooner or later the clot will come off or resolve, and the leak will resume. So flushing the system and replacing the antifreeze is not enough - you will have to look for the place of loss of tightness and eliminate the defect.

All this information will help those car owners who generally doubt the benefits of sealants as a means of temporarily eliminating leaks to obtain objective information. Of course, in the event of a serious rupture of the pipe or the formation of a large hole in the radiator, this remedy is unlikely to help, but with minor problems it will most likely cope “excellently”. Much depends on the correct use of the product; operating instructions are usually included in the package. True, although the range of sealants presented on the domestic car market is quite extensive, most drugs are characterized by almost identical algorithms for use, despite differences in composition.

Gunk Radiator SealerSuper

In most cases, antifreeze leakage occurs unnoticed, but one of the obvious symptoms of the problem is an increase in engine temperature, which can be monitored on the dashboard. It’s even better to look at the expansion tank every time you check the oil level - this will help you identify the problem in time and take steps to fix it. By the way, the easiest way to determine the location of the leak is to examine the place where the car is parked for the presence of wet spots; they can also form on the cooling system components, so it would not be a bad idea to look into the engine compartment.

Now let’s look at the best way to pour sealant into a car radiator:

  • It is strictly forbidden to unscrew the radiator cap while the engine is running - you can get thermal burns! So we turn off the engine and wait until it cools down a little, and with it the coolant;
  • pour (if the sealant is a powder) or pour (if it is a liquid) the product into the radiator in the volume specified in the instructions;
  • tighten the radiator cap, start the engine, let it run for 5-10 minutes, turn it off;
  • After the power unit has completely cooled down, you can begin to operate the car, checking for smudges.

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If the leak is not eliminated with the help of sealant, the following reasons for failure are possible:

  • you used the product without following the recommendations set out in the instructions;
  • the size of the defect in the cooling system is too large - the sealant cannot cope with such damage, the damaged part needs to be repaired;
  • The purchased product turned out to be ineffective.

In the latter case, you can try to purchase another product, preferably from a reputable manufacturer. We will definitely provide you with information about which sealant is the best for a car’s cooling system, offering a rating of the products available on the Russian automotive chemicals market.

Sealant or repair?

Don’t think that a good remedy is a panacea for leaks. Not at all. If damage occurs, then sealing products are an option to get to a car service center. This is true even if a good car radiator sealant is used. ABRO and other manufacturers have good reviews, but their products have a temporary effect.

You should not drive with sealant constantly - the result will lead to serious damage to the car. Remember that these funds are designed only for a short distance - to get to the nearest service station.

Also, when purchasing any auto chemicals, you should make sure that the product is original. Now you can buy very high-quality fakes, which can lead to unpleasant consequences, although the packaging is indistinguishable from the original.

So, we found out what a car radiator sealant is and which product is best to choose.

Lavr – for complex stains

This is a two-component composition that helps clean even heavily clogged cooling systems.

It cleans all cavities of the system from scale and destroys other contaminants. The drug helps remove various contaminants from the system.

The product is created on an alkaline basis and can dissolve grease and other products. The product also neutralizes the effects of acidic agents, and washing with this product is completely safe.

There are other manufacturers on the market that offer similar products. But you need to clearly know which product is of high quality. The quality of operation of the cooling system and the car as a whole depends on which sealant is used for the engine cooling system (reviews will help you evaluate the strengths and weaknesses).

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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