VAZ 2109: replacing the heater radiator yourself

Sequence of actions when replacing a radiator

For most beginners, the question of how to remove a stove radiator is not such a difficult task. You should first prepare containers for small parts and liquid remaining in the hoses. The sequence of manipulations is as follows:


  1. Unscrew the bolts located on the hose clamps. After which the radiator is disconnected from them. Important! When removing the hoses, you need to be prepared for the fact that residual coolant may spill out of them. In this case, keep a special container on hand.
  2. Remove the glove compartment.
  3. Unscrew the fastenings to the floor.
  4. Next, unscrew all the screws securing the radiator to the stove.
  5. The fastening of the cable that regulates the windshield blower damper is unscrewed.
  6. The radiator is disconnected from the stove. At this stage, problems with the torpedo are possible. To lift it up, you should rest your torso against the lower part of the glove compartment.


Next, a new radiator is installed. Actions are performed in reverse order. The car radiator is carefully installed, the torpedo is lowered down, the screws are screwed in, and they take their rightful seat.


  1. Remove the lower console, which goes from the interior heating control levers to the gearbox housing.
  2. Move both front seats as far back as possible. If, in addition to the heater radiator, you also want to replace the faucet, then you will need to remove the plastic trim from the thresholds and lift up the carpet.
  3. File the magazine shelf under the glove compartment on one side; you can screw it back using self-tapping screws.
  4. After which you will see that you can easily remove the part into the resulting gap without any problems.
  5. Turn off the heater tap and prepare plugs that you will use as plugs and a container for the remaining coolant to prevent the remaining antifreeze that has accumulated in the radiator itself from spilling.
  6. Unscrew three bolts on each side of the radiator.
  7. Loosen only those clamps that fit directly to the radiator, but do not tighten them.
  8. Now the hardest part is that you need to drain the remaining antifreeze from the radiator. To prevent coolant from spilling on the floor, place waterproof mats or an old cloth under the faucet, at the front passenger's feet, and under the radiator.
  9. Pull off the pipes from the radiator, the first one to remove is the bottom one, which is located below on the tap; it is closed. Place a container and drain the coolant from the radiator. Keep the cork ready. About a liter of liquid may leak out. You may need to drain the liquid several times, so you will most likely have to plug the pipe with a plug.
  10. Remove the outlet pipe from the radiator, but do not lower it down, as coolant may pour out of it, keep it at the level of the attachment to the radiator. There is no need to drain the liquid, just plug the pipe with a plug.
  11. Now you can pull out the radiator itself.
  12. Replace it with a new one.
  13. Plug in the top outlet pipe.
  14. Then the bottom one.
  15. Tighten the clamps.
  16. If necessary, remove the air lock.

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Features of replacing a radiator on various car models

When reinstalling the radiator, the following questions may arise:

Replacing the heater radiator on a VAZ 21099 with a high panel

If the radiator needs to be replaced, the high panel does not need to be removed. You will need to remove all the screws that secure the panel to the car body. Then the steering casing is removed and the right side of the panel is moved into the cabin.

Important! Before moving the panel to the side, you need to disconnect the ignition switch wires and the alarm system from it.

Replacing the radiator of a VAZ 21099 stove with a low panel

If the front panel is low, in order to replace the radiator, it must be completely removed. Then follow the previously described sequence of actions.

Replacing the radiator of a VAZ 21099 stove with a high panel without removing it

If you don’t want to remove the panel every time you replace the radiator, you can file it down and then reinforce it with self-tapping screws. In the future, they are unscrewed if necessary. When replacing the radiator on an injection VAZ 21099, you should be attentive to the relays located under the panel.

After replacing the radiator, it is important to check how the stove works. Those who have done all these simple manipulations, the next time problems arise with heating the car, will not have the question of how to independently change the heater radiator on a VAZ 21099. Everything is simple if you do everything correctly. The radiator service life is approximately 8 years. If used incorrectly, it will fail within 2–3 years. For preventive purposes, the radiator should be removed for cleaning twice a year. And then reliable heat is provided.

Checking the system

Before you start work, you need to make sure that it is the heater radiator that is to blame for the malfunction.


  • We bend the center console where the computer is located. We disconnect the shield from the overhead torpedo, here we will see the body of the heater itself;
  • We take a flashlight and look, it should be visible if water is leaking. We immediately check the tap and pipes.
  • Let's look at the leaks. The fact is, if the leak is not large, you might not notice it in the cabin. Therefore, it is worth inspecting everything with sufficient quality.

You can watch the video on replacing the stove radiator on a VAZ 21099 on our website. But only after a thorough inspection can you begin to work.

Instructions for this topic are given below.

Replacing the Heater Radiator VAZ 21099 High Panel ~ AUTOVIBER.RU

Repair VAZ 2108 2109 21099

If during a routine inspection of the coolant tank of a VAZ 2108 2109 21099 you saw that it had become less, you added it to the normal level, and after a certain number of days the level dropped again. This means there is a leak somewhere in the cooling system. It is looked for using a visual inspection: the attachment points of the hoses, clamps, and the absence of cracks in the hoses are checked. And if during the inspection you find out that coolant is flowing into the cabin, then this indicates a leak in the heater radiator VAZ 2108 2109 21099. With this malfunction, antifreeze is like As a rule, it begins to drip onto the gas pedal, and with it onto the driver’s shoes. Antifreeze is a caustic liquid, so it can ruin good shoes. And the antifreeze itself costs money, a liter bottle of antifreeze costs about 2. Therefore, as soon as the antifreeze begins to leak from the cooling system of the VAZ 2109, it is necessary to find this leak and fix it. So, you have to replace the heater radiator (stove) of the VAZ 2109. Replacing the radiator in the VAZ 2109, replacing the antifreeze in the VAZ 2108,2109,21099 - Duration: 6:06. markozia 53,483. But it’s not so easy to get to. All car manuals say that you need to disassemble the entire front panel. Of course, without it it will be much more convenient for you to change the radiator, but this will take you about 3 hours of time, not to mention the reassembly. Replacing the timing belt VAZ 21099 injector: all with your own. Therefore, below we will show a method for replacing the heater radiator of a VAZ 2108 2109 21099 without removing the front panel. But first you need to drain all the antifreeze from the engine cooling system. In total, about 8 liters of antifreeze circulates in the cooling system of the VAZ 2109, so prepare containers in advance where you will drain it. Replacing the heater radiator VAZ 2114 video. Wear rubber gloves, as it is better not to touch the antifreeze with bare hands. It would also be a good idea to have a couple of liters in reserve, since a little will probably spill. Open the coolant tank cap and find the cap at the bottom of the cooling radiator.

Radiator drain plug for VAZ 2109 cooling system

Prepare in advance a hose about a meter long and about a centimeter in diameter. Place one end into a container for draining antifreeze. Unscrew the radiator cap and press the other end of the hose to the radiator drain hole. The radiator of a VAZ 2108 2109 21099 usually contains about two liters of antifreeze. When the antifreeze stops leaking, screw the plug back. Video instructions for replacing the VAZ 2114 heater. Replacing the VAZ heater radiator with a VAZ 2114:. Now you need to drain the antifreeze of the small cooling circle. The engine has a special plug for draining antifreeze - it is also the lowest point of the car's cooling system.

How to replace the radiator of a VAZ 21099 stove

The video shows how to replace the interior heater radiator of a VAZ 2109 with a high instrument panel.

Replacing the radiator of the VAZ-21099 stove

Sooner or later, owners of a VAZ-21099 car are faced with the need to carry out repairs taking into account the requirements for the vehicle. At the same time, replacement of equipment can only be carried out taking into account numerous nuances that determine the effectiveness of the result. It is mandatory to first drain the coolant and disassemble the dashboard, and then replace the VAZ heater radiator. Such a phased implementation of the event guarantees the successful restoration of the heating capabilities of the car interior.

Features of the heating system

First of all, you need to understand on what principle heating works. Only after gaining basic knowledge can you judge a potential breakdown.

It is recommended to take the following features into account:

  • the electric motor must supply hot air;
  • the stove can be turned on and off;
  • the fan must operate successfully at various speeds;
  • a radiator is required for the successful flow of fluid used when operating the stove.

In fact, only if all the parts are in working order can you count on the successful functionality of the stove installed on a VAZ-21099 car.

How to check the system

In any case, replacing the VAZ heater radiator becomes possible only after diagnostics have been carried out. It is imperative to make sure that it is the heater radiator that is to blame for the heater malfunction. How to carry out the necessary diagnostics?

  1. First you need to bend the central instrument console where the computer is installed. In this case, the shield should be disconnected from the delivery note, after which the housing of the heating equipment will be opened.
  2. Now you should take a flashlight, with which you can find a place where water is still oozing. It is mandatory to check the tap and pipe.
  3. The next stage is assessing the leaks. If the leak turns out to be small, it cannot always be noticed in the cabin. Only after a thorough examination can you understand what the essence of things is and how to proceed in the future.

If a problem persists with the radiator, it needs to be replaced. Most often, the task can be successfully completed in the shortest possible time.

How to replace a stove radiator

So, how to change a stove radiator? In fact, the procedure is easy, but it still needs to be understood correctly.

First you need to prepare a couple of containers that will be needed for automotive parts. In this case, one container is recommended for plastic elements, and the other for screws.

In order to get to the torpedo bolts, you first need to remove the trim located in its upper part. In this case, it is advisable to place small empty containers nearby, since there is a risk that the coolant will start to leak. For maximum safety, a volume of 6–7 liters is recommended.

Now you need to move on to inspecting and replacing the radiator with an understanding of how to remove the old one. At the same time, new products must be reliable and of high quality, since any defects can negatively affect its functionality. When replacing, it is recommended to use a set of tools: sockets and screwdrivers, a flashlight.

In each case, replacing the stove with a VAZ begins with closing the tap, and at this time the stove must be set to cooling mode. It is best that the engine is also completely cooled.

Now you can unscrew the radiator mount, lift the rod located above the radiator, and remove the pipes. It is important to remember: up to two hundred grams of liquid can leak from the first pipe.

After this, you can work with subsequent pipes. Most likely, in this case, the liquid will not drain, but still, for safety reasons, you can put a container, because when removing the pipes, you need to be prepared for various options for the development of the situation.

The next stage is to remove the radiator, which moves easily. At the same time, the edge of the torpedo may interfere with its movement, which is recommended to be raised slightly and rest against the lower part of the glove compartment. After that, you need to put the lower one, located on the side of the passenger seat, on its mount. Fortunately, you will be able to reach the stove freely, because the high panel will no longer be in the way.

High-quality foam rubber, which is sold along with the new part, should be attached around the perimeter of the installed radiator.

Now the radiator can be inserted into the body of the heating equipment, put on the pipes and make a connection using clamps. To prevent antifreeze leakage, the pipes should be carefully tightened after a few days.

After the replacement is completed, you can check the operation of the stove. Knowing how to clean the radiator of the VAZ-21099 stove, you can count on its successful maintenance for the long service life of your heating equipment.

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When choosing a new radiator for the stove of your VAZ 2109, you should understand what exactly you want to achieve and what budget you have.

Today, consumers are offered two types of units to choose from.

Radiator type Peculiarities
Aluminum A relatively inexpensive radiator option, which is characterized by high thermal conductivity. However, such a device cannot be repaired, which is its main drawback. But in practice, repairs are not carried out so often, so few people pay attention to this disadvantage
Copper If necessary and a leak is detected, the copper radiator can be repaired - soldered. Thermal conductivity indicators are slightly higher when compared with aluminum analogues. But at the same time, the price is quite high - both for repairs and for the radiator itself

Aluminum unit

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Due to unprofitability and high cost, most VAZ 2109 owners choose aluminum radiators. But it all depends on your personal decisions and preferences. When actively using a car in harsh winter conditions, a copper radiator is fully justified.

Copper unit

how to remove the heater radiator on a VAZ 21099 without removing the panel? Zoya Zoya | Topic author: Elena

Yaroslav You can manage Nikolay, but you still have to trim your beard. If you remove the pipes, because it’s inconvenient, all the remaining fuel will be in the cabin.

Evgeniy, no matter what

Elizaveta Let the boys from the service do this. Because today is Friday I need to rest...

Margarita, if there is a high panel then no matter, but if it were low then it could be removed

Replacing the heater radiator for VAZ 2108, 2109, 21099. - YouTube

This video shows in detail the replacement (removal and installation) of the heater radiator of a VAZ 2108, VAZ 2109, VAZ 21099.

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How to remove the heater radiator on a VAZ 21099 high panel video: comments

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