Oil change Lada 2105 (VAZ 2105)

When to change the oil

When it’s time to change the oil in a VAZ 2105 engine, you must follow the manufacturer’s instructions. So:

  • If the car is new, then you can follow the manufacturer's recommendations.
  • If the car has significant mileage, then you need to learn how to determine these terms yourself.
  • In a new car, the manufacturer recommends changing the oil after 15,000 km. But if the car is no longer new, then this period should be reduced to 10,000 km or even 7,500 km.

Attention: In any case, when measuring the oil level in the crankcase, pay attention to the transparency of the oil and its viscosity. If the oil has darkened or even turned black, and the viscosity is no longer the same to the touch, then it is better to change the oil ahead of time.

The timing of an oil change is greatly influenced by the condition of the piston rings, the quality of the gasoline you drive and the quality of the oil itself. If you have to change the oil on a VAZ 2105 engine, follow the instructions below.

Necessary tool

To change the engine oil, you need to prepare the following tools and accessories:

  • hex key 12;
  • star key 14 x 17;
  • special wrench for unscrewing the oil filter;
  • tube Ø 12 mm;
  • 5 liter container for draining used oil;
  • purchase 4 liters of appropriate oil;
  • new oil filter.

Changing the oil in the VAZ 2105 engine. Keys and accessories

We make a replacement

Before draining the used oil, start the engine and warm it up to operating temperature, that is, up to 90ºC. So:

  • Then we drive the car onto a pit or overpass to make it easier to work under it.
  • We turn off the engine and wait 10 minutes. During this time, all the oil from the system will drain into the engine crankcase.

Changing engine oil on a VAZ 2105. Draining used oil

  • Then we place a container for used oil under the drain plug on the crankcase. Use a hex wrench to unscrew the drain plug.

Attention: you must unscrew the plug carefully, as the oil is hot. To avoid scalding your hands, it is better to wear gloves.

  • In order for the oil to drain faster, it is necessary to remove the filler plug on the valve box cover.

Open filler neck

  • While the oil is draining, you can unscrew the oil filter. This can be done with gloved hands. If the filter cannot be unscrewed by hand, then in this case you need to use a special wrench, which can be purchased at any auto parts store.
  • We take a new filter, fill it with about 250 grams of clean oil of the same brand that you are going to pour into the engine. Check the rubber gasket. If there are no visible defects on it, then lubricate it with oil and screw the filter into place by hand, trying not to strain too much. It is better to tighten it up after the oil has warmed up.
  • If all the oil has drained, screw the drain plug into place, first checking the gasket for any defects.

Unscrew the oil filter

  • Now you can add fresh oil.

VAZ 2105 engine oil change

This is done through the filler neck on the engine valve cover. For convenience and to avoid spilling the oil, you can adapt the cut off upper part of a five-liter plastic container into a funnel. So:

  • When pouring oil into the engine, it is necessary to monitor its level using the dipstick. Before measuring, you need to give time for the oil to drain into the crankcase. The oil level on the dipstick should be 2/3 between the minimum and maximum marks.

Minimum and maximum marks on the dipstick

  • After the oil has been changed in the VAZ 2105 engine, it is necessary to close the filler neck with the cap and start the engine.

After starting, you must carefully monitor the oil pressure warning lamp. If it does not go out within 3-4 seconds, you should immediately stop the engine. After a short stop, restart the engine. If the light does not go out within 3-4 seconds, then repeat stopping and starting the engine again.

Attention: Under no circumstances allow the engine to run for more than 4–5 seconds with the warning light not extinguished, and certainly do not sharply increase the speed. This could lead to a serious accident. If the light remains on, check the oil pressure sensor.

  • After you have started the engine and the warning light has gone out, let the engine run and warm the oil to operating temperatures. Inspect the engine for oil leaks. If necessary, tighten the oil filter.
  • Stop the engine and check the engine oil level 5 minutes after stopping. If the oil level shows below the middle between the marks, then add oil to the level of 2/3 of the distance between the min and max marks.
  • The next VAZ 2105 engine oil change is performed after 10,000 km of your car.

Attention: To monitor the mileage of the car from replacement to oil change, record the speedometer readings and save the records. You will know exactly how many kilometers the car has traveled since changing the oil, and how much is left to travel before the next change.

This is important to know if you are planning a long trip, and so that this procedure does not catch you along the way. Changing the oil in the VAZ 2105I engine is done in exactly the same way as in the VAZ 2105 engine. Therefore, changing the oil can be done by following the instructions outlined above. A comprehensive oil change for a VAZ 2105 engine, including flushing the crankcase, manual lubrication of locks and hinges at a service station will cost you approximately 1,350 rubles.

Changing the oil in the VAZ-2107, VAZ-2106, VAZ-2105 engine

Dear friends. Today we are publishing material in which we will tell you how to independently change the oil and oil filter on a VAZ-2107, VAZ-2106, VAZ-2105 engine and, in principle, on any other VAZ classic. For this procedure, it is advisable to have a trestle, lift or inspection hole on hand, do not forget to prepare a container for draining the waste, a hex wrench for unscrewing the drain plug and, of course, a canister of oil and a new oil filter.

So, let's start, open the door and open the oil filler cap on the engine:

Then we climb under the car and find the oil drain plug on the crankcase, this is what it looks like:

We take a container prepared in advance for working out and a hexagon and unscrew the cap:

We wait until the oil drains completely, you can rock the car a little more at the end if it is not on a lift, to drain the remaining oil, screw the plug back, tighten it without fanaticism and climb under the hood again, unscrew the oil filter:

We unscrewed the filter, a little waste will also spill out of it, don’t get dirty, then take a new filter, coat the rubber seal with oil and pour new oil into the filter so that the engine does not experience starvation when first started, this is harmful for it. We twist the filter by hand until the rubber touches the mating plane of the block and another 3/4 turn (270°). And there will be no leaks and can always be removed without any pullers. A prerequisite is absolute cleanliness and preliminary lubrication (directly with your finger) of the contacting surfaces.

1.5. Frequency of replacement of operating fluids and lubricants


Engine oil

must be replaced every 10,000 km.
For a new car, it is necessary to change the oil after the break-in period (after 2500 km). When changing the oil, you must install a new oil filter (ZMZ-4062 engine) or its filter element (all engines). the oil change procedure , see subsections 2.3.2 , and .
Into the engine crankcase

It is recommended to fill in the same brand of oil as was in the engine. If you fill in oil of a different brand, you must first flush the engine lubrication system with oil of the same brand that will be poured into the engine. To do this, drain the old oil and fill in new oil 2–4 mm above the “0” mark on the oil level indicator (dipstick). Start the engine and let it idle for about 10 minutes. Then drain the oil, replace the oil filter or its filter element and add fresh oil.


must be changed once every 2 years or after 60,000 km (whichever comes first).
For the procedure for replacing coolant, see subsection 2.4.4 .
It should be borne in mind that the coolant is poisonous, so you should not suck it into your mouth when pouring it. When working with coolant, it is recommended to use safety glasses and not to smoke or eat. If the liquid gets on exposed skin, wash it with soap and water. Gearbox oil

must be replaced after 60,000 km.
the oil change procedure , see subsections 3.3.2 and 3.4.2 .
Every 20,000 km, you need to check the oil level in the gearbox and top up if necessary. The oil level in the crankcase should reach the edge of the filler hole. If the drained oil contains metal particles or is very dirty, the box should be washed. To do this, pour 0.9 liters of fresh oil into its crankcase. Raise the rear of the car with a jack. Start the engine and, engaging first gear, let it run for 2-3 minutes. Then drain the oil and refill with fresh oil. When checking the oil level, you need to clean the surface of the breather from dirt and turn its cap several times to remove any dirt trapped under it. Oil in the rear axle housing

must be changed after 60,000 km.
The oil is changed in the same way as in a gearbox. After 20,000 km, you need to check the oil level in the crankcase and top up if necessary. The oil level should reach the edge of the filler hole. When checking the oil level, you need to clean the breather from dirt in the same way as you did for the gearbox. Do not reuse drained brake fluid.
Brake fluid

In clutch and brake drives, they must be changed once every 2 years, regardless of the vehicle’s mileage.
Clutch and brake drives use domestically produced brake fluids “Rosa”, “Rosa-3”, “Tom”, “Neva” or their foreign analogues on a non-petroleum basis, the quality level of which is not lower than DOT-3. The use of other brands of fluids, especially petroleum-based fluids, is prohibited

Brake fluid is hygroscopic, so it should not be stored in open containers.

The procedure for replacing brake fluid is as follows:

1. Remove the brake master cylinder reservoir cap.

2. Remove the rubber protective caps from the air release valves on the wheel cylinders and place rubber hoses on the valves, the ends of which are lowered into glass containers.

3. Unscrew the valves no more than one turn and, pressing the brake pedal all the way, drain the fluid. As soon as liquid stops flowing out of the hoses, tighten the air release valves.

4. Pour the drained brake fluid out of the vessels and put them in place.

5. Pour fresh fluid into the master cylinder reservoir, unscrew all air release valves one turn and, pressing the brake pedal all the way, fill the brake system. In this case, you need to constantly add fluid to the master cylinder reservoir. After clean brake fluid begins to flow out of the hoses placed on the air release valves, tighten the valves.

What oil to use for the VAZ 2104 engine


For the VAZ-2104, semi-synthetic or mineral motor oil with different SAE ratings is recommended. So, 10W-40 or 10W-30 is suitable for all-season use, and 20W-40 or 25W-50 is recommended for summer use. If the machine is used in the winter season, then you can opt for 5W-20 or 5W-30.

Also read: Motor oil for Toyota Alphard engine


Owners of VAZ-2104 cars prefer inexpensive motor oils from Lukoil, Rosneft and G-Energy. The API approval specified in the product specifications is also important. This parameter is selected depending on the year of manufacture of the car, as well as the type of engine. For example, for a gasoline VAZ-2104 produced in 1984. An all-season “mineral water” 15w-20 with API-SG approval is recommended, while semi-synthetic API-SM is suitable for “younger” models (2012). Below are the best analogue engine oils for the VAZ-2104.

  • Shell Helix Ultra HX8 5W-40
  • Rosneft 10W-40
  • Mannol Classic 10W-40
  • Lukoil 10W-40
  • Gazpromneft 10W-40.

VAZ 2105 oil change yourself How is it?

  • 1 Frequency of engine and gearbox oil changes 1.1 Which oil to choose for the VAZ 2105 engine and gearbox?
  • 2 Oil change tools
  • 3 Oil change
      3.1 Vehicle preparation
  • 3.2 Changing the VAZ 2105 engine oil
  • 3.3 Changing the oil in the VAZ 2105 gearbox
  • 3.4 Changing the oil in the rear axle
  • In technology without lubrication, little moves as it should. Therefore, it is important that there is oil in the engine, gearbox, and rear axle, but this same oil loses its properties over time and needs to be changed. These instructions for changing the oil on a VAZ 2105 car will tell you in detail about when to change the oil, in what sequence and how. Also here you will find useful tips and photos and videos that clearly show the essence of the process.

    • Frequency of engine and gearbox oil changes
    • Which oil to choose for the VAZ 2105 engine and gearbox?
    • Oil change tools
    • Change of oil
    • Preparing the car
    • Changing engine oil VAZ 2105
    • Changing the oil in the VAZ 2105 gearbox
    • Changing the oil in the rear axle

    How much oil to pour into the VAZ 2105 engine

    First generation 2105, 1979-2010

    The 5 was built using the same frame and bodywork, despite the more angular '80s-style exterior panels. Instead of chrome-plated decorative parts, matte black plastic or painted metal appeared. In general, the external changes turned out to be cosmetic, but inside it was a completely different car - with a more comfortable front panel and improved driver ergonomics.

    Also read: Motor oil for Lada Largus engine

    New seats - with better lateral support. The latest cars produced were almost no different from the original 2105 samples. So, in 2004, expensive aluminum bumpers were replaced by plastic ones, and in 2010 it was decided to abandon metal door handles in favor of plastic ones. In the mid-2000s, the car began to be equipped with engines with a new distributed fuel injection system with an ECU and a new power system with an electric fuel pump. By that time, the car received seats from 2107 with a non-removable headrest.

    Gasoline engines 1979-2010

    • 1.2 59 l. With. (2101), oil volume - 3.75 liters, tolerance and viscosity: tolerance and viscosity: API-SG, SH, SJ, SL; SAE 5W-30, 10W-30, 10W-40, 0W-40, 0W-30
    • 1.3 64 l. With. (2105), oil volume - 3.75 liters, tolerance and viscosity: tolerance and viscosity: API-SG, SH, SJ, SL; SAE 5W-30, 10W-30, 10W-40, 0W-40, 0W-30
    • 1.3 69 l. With. (21011), oil volume - 3.75 liters, tolerance and viscosity: tolerance and viscosity: API-SG, SH, SJ, SL; SAE 5W-30, 10W-30, 10W-40, 0W-40, 0W-30
    • 1.5 71 l. With. (2103), oil volume - 3.75 liters, tolerance and viscosity: tolerance and viscosity: API-SG, SH, SJ, SL; SAE 5W-30, 10W-30, 10W-40, 0W-40, 0W-30
    • 1.6 75 l. With. (2106), oil volume - 3.75 liters, tolerance and viscosity: tolerance and viscosity: API-SG, SH, SJ, SL; SAE 5W-30, 10W-30, 10W-40, 0W-40, 0W-30
    • 1.6 82 l. With. (2104), oil volume - 3.75 liters, tolerance and viscosity: tolerance and viscosity: API-SG, SH, SJ, SL; SAE 5W-30, 10W-30, 10W-40, 0W-40, 0W-30

    Diesel engines 1996-2011

    1.5 50 l. With. (BTM-341), oil volume - 3.75 liters, tolerance and viscosity: tolerance and viscosity: API-SG, SH, SJ, SL; SAE 5W-30, 10W-30, 10W-40, 0W-40, 0W-30

    Also read: Motor oil for Geely Atlas engine

    Frequency of engine and gearbox oil changes

    The need for an oil change is determined by mileage

    The oil needs changing - that's for sure. But how often should you change the oil? Regarding the engine, we can definitely say that the necessary oil change is done every 10,000 km of the vehicle. But a lot still depends on the condition of the oil. Now a little more detail:

    • A good driver always checks the oil level before leaving the garage. So, based on the condition of the oil on the dipstick, you can determine the need for replacement, and it may be necessary much earlier than 10 thousand km.
    • If the oil has changed color significantly, has become inhomogeneous, sediment, particles of metal or other liquid have appeared - this is a clear sign of its unsuitability. There are also cases when very high-quality oil is poured in and it runs for 30-40 thousand kilometers. But don’t take risks - these are isolated cases.
    • With the gearbox things are a little different. It is best to change the oil in the VAZ 2105 gearbox at intervals of 30,000 kilometers. Of course, according to the plant, the mileage is 75,000 before the first replacement. But this is only before the first replacement.
    • And then the parts wear out more intensively - therefore, the oil requires changing more often. In general, practice shows that 30 thousand is the best option.

    Advice! Do not forget to check the oil level in the gearbox when changing the engine oil and top up if necessary!

    Which oil to choose for the VAZ 2105 engine and gearbox?

    Let's start, as usual, with the engine.

    Engine oil ENEOS 10W-40

    • Oil according to viscosity characteristics. There’s no point in going into too much detail here. In most cases, a 10W-40 grade oil will be best. This oil is semi-synthetic.
    • Mineral oil has long been no longer considered appropriate, and synthetic oil is perhaps too expensive for cars such as the VAZ 2105.
    • Oil brand – manufacturer. We won’t complicate things too much here either. In general, it is at the discretion of the car owner. A good oil (but also expensive at the same time) is Mobile, Eneos. You can take Lukoil, for example, or Mannol. The main thing is not to take too cheap oil, because it may turn out to be a fake and then your engine will have a hard time.

    And now the gearbox:

    • Oil according to viscosity characteristics. What can I recommend here? Among gear oils, the most suitable grade is SAE 75W-90/API GL-4. This is also semi-synthetic. Beware of buying mineral gear oil - for example, 85W-90 oil can be either mineral or semi-synthetic.
    • Oil brand – manufacturer. Same thing - personal preference. Car enthusiasts often use Eneos Nippon 75W-90 oil. Cheaper, but not to say worse, oil is Lukoil 75W-90. Mobile oil is expensive, but high quality. Everyone decides for themselves.

    ENEOS 75W-90/GL-5 gear oil

    Advice! If possible, fill both the engine and gearbox with the same brand of oil that has already been filled. It is also advisable to keep the oil manufacturer, because mixed oil simply loses its properties.

    Replacing engine oil and oil filter on VAZ 2107-2105

    Since the procedure for changing the oil on all classic cars is practically no different, this procedure will be described using the example of the VAZ 2107-2105, but know that there is no difference.
    It is worth noting that the manufacturer strongly recommends doing this procedure at least once every 15,000 km. Although in fact, it is better to change the engine oil more often, at least once every 10 or even 7 thousand kilometers. So, to perform this maintenance item, we will need:

    • Canister of fresh motor oil, at least 4 liters in volume
    • Hexagon 12
    • Watering can or neck from a 1.5 liter bottle (optional)
    • As well as a container for draining waste

    Oil change tools

    Since you have decided to change the oil yourself, it is extremely important to know what you will need for this:

    • Hexagon 12
    • 17mm wrench - socket or socket (you may need a full set of wrenches)
    • Oil filter puller

    • Oil can
    • Oil syringe

    Oil syringe

    • Container for waste (approximately 5 liters)
    • Rag
    • Screwdriver
    • Something sharp, such as a small knife

    Change of oil

    So, in the theoretical part we learned everything that is necessary. Now the oil change itself in the VAZ 2105 begins.

    Preparing the car

    Yes, the car requires preliminary preparation before changing the oil in both the engine and gearbox:

    • Do you have a viewing hole in your garage? Wonderful! If not, then you need to find it. The best option would be a hole, but if it is not possible to find one, then you can use an overpass.
    • At worst, you can just crawl under the car, lie there and drain the oil. But this is extremely inconvenient. Therefore, it is best to find a hole or overpass.
    • Warming up the car. This must be done so that the oil drains better from the engine and gearbox. It is enough for the engine to run for 10 minutes at medium speed.
    • For the gearbox, you need to drive the car 10 kilometers before changing the oil so that it warms up enough and drains well.
    • The gearbox housing must be cleaned of dirt so that it does not get inside. This can be done well with a metal brush, the price is low, and the effect is excellent.
    • Buying an oil filter. When changing engine oil, the oil filter needs to be changed. It must be purchased in advance.

    Changing engine oil on a VAZ 2101-VAZ 2107

    Welcome! Every car needs to have its oil changed from time to time. But basically, not all people know how to make this replacement. Therefore, today, especially for you, we have prepared detailed instructions for changing the oil. The replacement instructions, as you already understand, apply only to classic cars. And also at the very end of the article, you will find a video on changing engine oil.

    Note! To change engine oil, of course, you will need tools and things, but what ones you ask? If you start with things, you will need a new oil filter, as well as a bottle of new motor oil, which must be at least “5 liters”, and a container for draining used oil into it, which is also recommended to be at least “5 liters”. Another thing you will need to take is a funnel and a clean rag.

    Now let's talk about tools, of which we will need an L-shaped hexagon for the drain plug, and we may also need a special wrench for unscrewing the oil filter. (You can find what the special key looks like at the bottom of the article in the section: “For beginners!”)


    When should you change your oil? 1) If the engine oil has turned black. 2) And also if the car has already driven within 10,00-15,000 thousand km.

    Note! You can read more detailed information about how often the engine oil needs to be changed in the article entitled: “Frequency of engine oil changes, its selection and detailed instructions for replacing it”!

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