How to install a kenguryatnik on a Niva - Do-it-yourself kenguryatnik on a Niva: installation, photo

What are the benefits of a kenguryatnik?

By installing a kenguryatnik in Niva-21214, you won’t have to worry about protecting the radiator grille, where poplar fluff and weed seeds often get clogged (during frequent trips through the steppe zone). Plus, the headlights will be protected from possible ingress of birds and other animals, which is a common problem in some areas of Russia.

In the VAZ-2121, installation is complicated only by the lack of fastening for the guard, but it is not so difficult if you have a welding machine at your disposal (preferably a gas one, since you will have to weld steel).

21214 has factory-made brackets. Moreover, at one time the manufacturer even produced cars equipped with a branded guard, which still had complaints in terms of quality.

Installing the “drummer” is simple and intuitive to the point of banality. The main difficulty is to lift the structure at the time of fastening. To do this, you can use lifts or simply ask someone to hold it while attaching it to the rod and brackets. You need to start with the front bumper, while the rear bumper is mostly a decoration of the body.

How to choose a kenguryatnik? You can be guided by the cost, as well as the material of manufacture. Naturally, the ideal option is hardened tubular steel with thick walls. Such kangaroos weigh an average of 45 kg. Lighter models are, rather, just a decorative element.

We hope that using these tips, you can easily install a guard on your car. Have a good trip!

Solid front bumper protection

Kenguryatnik (kengurin, kangaroo) is an attachment that is attached to the front of the car and is aimed at protecting its front part from possible damage when driving through rough and wooded terrain. Kengurin is installed on off-road vehicles both standard and optional. It protects the front of the SUV from scratches and clogging of the radiator with leaves when driving through forests and bushes, and protects the bumper and headlights from destruction when hit by stones and rubble.


The choice of material needs to be discussed in more detail. The ideal option is to use stainless, pre-polished steel. Not only does it look great, but it's also more practical. If such material is too expensive or not available at all, rolled steel pipe will do. It is worth noting that painted elements will need to be touched up after each off-road trip. There are no such problems with stainless steel, but it is much more expensive.

For SUVs such as Niva, a pipe with a diameter of 50 or 60 mm is mainly used. Not only the appearance, but also the ability to perform the assigned tasks will depend on the type of material.

Is it worth installing kengurin

Every motorist planning to install similar parts on his car should be aware that by doing so he is changing the design of the vehicle. Any configuration of the car’s design must be documented, in other words, agreed upon with the traffic police.

If kengurin is provided by the manufacturer, its installation is justified, and the installation can be agreed upon. But not for every model. Since September two thousand and ten, iron pipes on most cars have been outlawed and must be dismantled.

It is definitely not recommended to install a reinforced body kit on passenger cars. Heavy protection is simply not designed for a fairly light body, so the car may behave inappropriately when cornering and when braking. It is unrealistic to obtain permission from the traffic police to install kengurin on a passenger car. Well, some jeep models are in question. Therefore, before attaching additional parts to the car, it is worth consulting with specialists.


If the basic configuration of the Niva does not include a kenguryatnik, then you can buy it separately or make it yourself, depending on personal preferences. In order for a dream to come true, it is necessary to go through several stages. The first is taking the necessary measurements, then sketching on paper and making drawings. Once the final decision has been made about what the protective frame should be like, you can begin to prepare the materials and necessary tools. And the final stage is the actual manufacturing and subsequent installation.

With drawings, everything is simple: if you can’t draw it yourself, you can find a ready-made template. After adjusting according to your own preferences, you can consider that this stage has been completed.

Amounts of the fine for kenguryatnik

Installing a guardrail on a vehicle is qualified by traffic regulations as introducing modifications into the design of the vehicle. By law, such configurations must undergo a registration process with the traffic police.

When changes are made without the consent of the authorities, the owner of the vehicle is held accountable under Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

This article provides for two types of administrative punishment:

  • Warning. It is used during the initial recruitment to responsibility, subject to the sincere repentance of the car enthusiast and bringing the car to its original condition.
  • A fine of five hundred rubles.
  • A fine of five thousand rubles or deprivation of rights for up to three months for a repeated violation.

To avoid punishment and get away with a warning, the driver can remove the guard right in front of the inspector. Motorists decide to do the same before going through the inspection procedure, since it is simply unrealistic to pass it in the presence of a guardrail.

The adoption in two thousand ten years of a new technical regulation regulating the installation of kenguryatniks changed the attitude of traffic police officers to the installation of similar designs on cars. From now on, a power body kit can only be installed on cars of category G. For all other cars, a power body kit is not allowed, and the owners of such cars risk getting a fine for kangaroo.

What if you register it with the traffic police?

We have already outlined the procedure for registering the entered configurations in our special article about this. Laconically, this is quite expensive and time-consuming: you need to undergo an examination in general for this opportunity, obtain permission based on its result, then make changes, but only in an organization that has a license for this, then again undergo an examination, receive a certificate and only later register the whole thing at the traffic police department.

But even if you dare to use such a function, you will be disappointed at the first step - you will not receive permission to install a guardrail, since it directly affects road safety and is prohibited. This design change cannot be officially registered.

Homemade kangaroo

In addition to purchasing a factory mounted attachment, you can make one for the Niva yourself. To do this, you need to choose the right manufacturing material. Stainless steel pipes are considered the best option. For fastening at the bottom, you can use channels. Before starting production, you need to accurately calculate the mounting points; if this is not done, it will be impossible to attach the equipment to the car. Next, using a welding machine, a base is made, which should already have attachment points.

Next, additional elements are welded to the base, such as protective longitudinal inserts and protrusions that provide protection for the headlights. After welding work, the finished kenguryatnik on the VAZ 2121 should be thoroughly cleaned and painted. This homemade equipment, made on Niva with your own hands, will significantly save money, but it is worth considering that technologically incorrectly performed welding work will not ensure adequate structural rigidity. Therefore, they should only be performed by a specialist.

In addition, we note that the mass of the kangaroo is significant, so before installing it on a car, it is advisable to strengthen the side members.

Many people dream of an SUV that will not be afraid of any potholes or potholes. But not everyone has enough funds to purchase such a vehicle. That is why the gaze falls on the domestic manufacturer. What can AvtoVAZ offer? Everyone remembers the legendary car - VAZ-2121, better known as Niva. It has become a cult SUV in the modern domestic car market. Why is he so loved? Yes, first of all, because the SUV was created by Russians for Russians themselves. Almost all the specifics of the roads were taken into account, as well as possible difficulties to be encountered. Sometimes the basic configuration is not enough, and then the question of installing a guard on the Niva-2121 becomes relevant.


The manufacturing process requires professional tools, as well as precision work. Having completed the markings on the already prepared pipes, you can begin to give them their future shape. For cutting, it is possible to use a cutting machine or a gas torch, while for welding it is better to use an argon-arc apparatus. Only such a tool will allow you to make seams in the future that can be sanded and, if necessary, polished. After completing the polishing, the kenguryatnik will be installed on the Niva; here it is worth paying special attention to the accuracy, as well as the compliance of the contacting elements. If everything is done correctly, the kenguryatnik will take on the appearance of a solid pipe.

What is the main task of the kenguryatnik?

Before considering all the positive and negative qualities of this element, you should first understand why it is needed. The most important task is to preserve the integrity of the body, as well as the components located in the front of the car, from various collisions. A competently and correctly selected guard for the Niva, the photo of which is presented below, can not only strengthen the body, but also transform the appearance, making the car more aggressive.

This is not the main purpose of this structural element. Many craftsmen use the kenguryatnik as a basis for installing additional attachments. As a rule, this can be an additional light, a winch mount.


You need to take the finished layout and cut out parts of the bumper. Depending on the material and its thickness, you can use a drill and specialized scissors or a gas burner.

Installation of the kenguryatnik on the Niva involves subsequent bending of the profile. In order to simplify this task and increase the strength of the product, it is better to first make small cuts on the inside. Only after this can the cage be mounted on metal plates.

The assembled frame needs to be checked for any kinks or other damage. Only after this can the kengurin be secured.

It is worth remembering that you cannot immediately fasten the kengurin too much. This is because when struck, the structure must bend. This way it will protect the frame, as well as the side members, from damage. But this is only possible if there is a strong impact, for example, on a pole, or a collision with an oncoming car at a fairly high speed. Small trees and bushes are not dangerous to either the kenguryatnik or the car body.

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