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Installation of acoustic shelf VAZ 2107

Acoustic shelf for Matiz

Acoustic shelf for Matiz

The acoustic shelf for Matiz is offered today as a replacement for the standard factory one. The Matiz acoustic shelf can be purchased in a store or made independently. The last option is considered the most reliable. The advantage of a homemade acoustic shelf is that it can be created taking into account the individual preferences of the car owner. But more about everything. First, let's look at several options for store shelves, the elegant design of which will noticeably fill the car interior with new notes.

Requirements for shelves

When the design of garage furniture is chosen, you need to think about the size of your homemade product. Here are some tips to help you do this.

  • The depth is chosen based on the needs of the garage owner. In practice, this means that it should be such that it can accommodate the items that are planned to be stored on the shelf. Each of the racks can have different depths and be designed to accommodate different things. In other words, everything is individual here.
  • The distance between the vertical posts of the system. The main purpose of vertical posts is to provide strength. Therefore, the distance between them is selected based on what material is used for assembly and objects of what weight are planned to be placed on the shelves. For example, for wooden racks on which medium-weight inventory (15 - 10 kg per shelf) will be stored, it should be 1 - 1.5 meters. With the same mass of things for racks made of aluminum profiles, this distance should not exceed 0.8 - 0.9 meters, as they can bend.

  • Distance from lower racks to floor. The distance between the floor and the lower shelves should be 30 - 40 centimeters. This is due to several reasons. Firstly, it will be easier to clean the garage. Secondly, it’s easier to get an item that has rolled under the shelves. Thirdly, under the shelves you can place additional containers for storing things or collecting garbage. If you make the shelves lower, all this will be inaccessible. If higher, part of the effective space that can be used will be lost.

Review of store shelves for Matiz

Acoustic shelves are designed to improve the overall sound quality of your speaker system, as well as to eliminate unpleasant squeaks, rattles and overtones that occur when the car is moving. The installation of the speakers is hidden, that is, the speakers are mounted from below, which hides the speaker system installed in your car.

Matiz acoustic shelf

Such shelves will look very stylish, but this is not the main thing. The shelves will increase the efficiency of the acoustic component in the car. Thanks to the natural materials on which the shelves are made, the products are highly reliable and environmentally friendly.

Deu Matiz shelf without sidewalls

Hatchback shelf option

A regular shelf for 6x9 speakers. Differs in the following features.

Speakers6x9/13 cm/16 cm/20 cm
ColorGraphite, light gray and black (plus 300 RUR)
Ability to create direction for speakersNo
Upholstery materialCarpet
Shelf materialPlywood
Shelf thickness, mm15
EquipmentShelf and 2 pins
Subwoofer installationNo
price, rub.1000

Directional shelf

An acoustic shelf will help to significantly improve the acoustics of the car.

Speakers6x9/13 cm/16 cm/20 cm
Upholstery materialCarpet
ColorGraphite, light gray (+300 rub.), black (plus 300 rub.)
Shelf materialPlywood
Shelf thickness, mm20 mm (10 mm+10 mm) two layers
Weight, kg4
Shelf dimensions, cm100x33x7.5
Possibility to set the direction of the speakersEat
Possibility to install a subwooferNo
price, rub.1200

Acoustic shelf Matiz

Shelf with sides

The best option for Daewoo Matiz. Differs in the following features.

Speakers6x9/13 cm/16 cm/20 cm
ColorGraphite, light gray (+300 rub.), red (plus 300 rub.), blue and black (plus 300 rub.)
Possibility of hidden installation of speakersEat
Upholstery materialCarpet
Shelf materialPlywood
Thickness, mm15
Weight, kg4,2
Possibility to make directional speakersYes (plus 200 rub.)
Possibility to install a subwooferNo
Price, rub1500

Acoustic shelf in Matiz

As you can see, the three shelves described above are made of plywood. Their prices vary. It all depends on functionality, color and capabilities. The shelf material unites all the shelves, making them look similar. Wood, as is known, significantly improves the sound quality of the speaker system (together with the trunk it turns out to be something similar to a closed box).

Hidden speaker installation

The hidden installation of speakers, which allows you to hide the speaker seats, deserves special attention. This significantly increases the security properties (the speakers will not be visible to burglars). Carpet material is used as upholstery for this shelf. In addition, open installation is also used. In this case, a metal mesh plays a decorative protective role for the speakers. According to experts, this installation allows you to unlock the full potential of rear acoustics. Shelf advantages:

  • The sound of the speakers is improved to a great extent;
  • It will be possible to build an acoustic stage with reflected sound by giving the speakers a direction;
  • Noises, squeaks and rattles that plagued the standard shelf are eliminated;
  • Increases protection against car vandals (hidden installation);
  • You can install speakers of almost any size;
  • The appearance of the interior is improving.

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speakers are mounted below the acoustic shelf (hidden installation), which is located above the trunk, due to this a deeper, softer and more voluminous sound is achieved.

Acoustic shelf material: - multi-layer glued plywood. It has good absorption properties, is lighter than chipboard, MDF, is resistant to delamination, ranks second in quality after wood, and has excellent acoustic characteristics.

The upholstery material is carpet, which not only looks great, but also eliminates the unwanted rattling that is present in standard shelves. In our online store you can order the coating color graphite, black, light grey, grey, red and blue.

With your own hands

Do-it-yourself shelf for Matiz

You can make an acoustic shelf for Matiz yourself. In this case, you will need to have the necessary tools and materials (expenses are inevitable). You will have to buy plywood, carpet, glue and more. You will need to get a shelf template with the required dimensions (although a factory shelf will work as a template). If you don’t want to bother with independent work, it’s better to buy a shelf. On the other hand, for car owners who are not used to doing things themselves, it’s simply a shame not to take the opportunity to make an excellent shelf.

Homemade shelf for Daewoo Matiz

All cars suffer from the disease of excess noise in the cabin, but especially hatchbacks like Matiz. Very little attention was paid to noise insulation in this car. If you want to get the full effect, we recommend that you first carry out vibration and noise insulation of the car, and only then install the shelf. So, let's start making the shelf. To begin, prepare the following:

  • Plywood (10 mm);
  • Ruler or tape measure for measurements, pencil;
  • Self-tapping screws;
  • Drill;
  • Screws;
  • Stapler;
  • Good glue that holds wood and fabric together (Nairit);
  • Hinges (piano hinges are possible);
  • Perforated steel tape.

Let's get started:

  • We take the dimensions of the future product from the factory shelf (all elements of the shelf must be measured in the condition in which they are in the car);
  • We make a sketch (draw) on paper.

Note. It is not recommended to immediately transfer the drawing to plywood. To protect yourself from the risk of damaging the plywood, we recommend that you first transfer the template onto a piece of thick cardboard. Then we carry out fitting on site in the car (this also applies to the sides of the shelf). If everything fits, then only in this case the dimensions are transferred to the plywood.

  • We cut out the necessary parts of the shelf from plywood;
  • We connect the elements using loops and special fasteners-hinges;
  • We carry out the fitting and if everything fits without tension, we put the rear sofa in place and close the trunk.

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Carpet work

It's time to think about installing speakers. Here we need to decide what size speakers we will install. You can install standard round or powerful 6x9 inches.

  • We cut out holes for the speakers on the board.

Advice. To make holes easier, it is recommended to use a drill. First, holes are made in the plywood with a drill around the entire circumference, and then a hole is cut out with an electric saw. If you try to cut it out right away, it will be much more difficult to do.

You can not just install speakers in the holes, but put them on podiums. The latter are also made by hand. Their advantage is that you can give the speakers direction (towards the rear window).

Carpet and its colors

Let's continue:

  • After the work with plywood is completed, we begin reupholstering.

Note. The reupholstering process involves gluing plywood with pieces of carpet. In this case, you need to cut the fabric with a margin of 3-4 cm on each side. This is quite enough to wrap the edges of the shelf elements.

  • Cover the front part of the shelf with glue. We do the same with the wrong side of the carpet;
  • We place the material on the plywood and carefully smooth it over the entire surface.

Note. Note that carpet is a malleable material. It is easy to work with, it stretches well and does not create problems in bends and recesses. We recommend it to all beginning craftsmen as the best material.

  • After gluing, you need to secure the carpet with a stapler around the entire perimeter;
  • Next we install the sides;
  • We install everything in its place.

Speakers in the shelf

First shelf option

I had to dig out a new one... I remember someone asked for drawings of a shelf... I organized and drew a drawing of a music shelf especially for you in PAINTe...

not an ideal drawing Here is the sawn base itself with markings on the carpet using ordinary soap (I took it from my mother’s sewing machine! xd))

rear carpet


side view I glued the paralon with hot glue... I didn’t have any more cheap glue at hand... If only the paralon would have stayed there when the carpet was pulled and that’s all...

Then the actual stretching of the carpet itself... I pulled it from a large straight edge... so then it’s easier to stretch the rest...

I stretched everything out using a furniture stapler... the staples fit into the board a little poorly... but the carpet holds up with a bang!

Next, I cut out holes for the speakers (jump the size yourself because each column diverges in millimeters with the exception of the mounting bolts...) and glued the edges with the same hot glue... I’ll say right away that the thing is good and necessary! I advise everyone to buy it!

Well, almost everything... then I stretched the wires (copper with a cross-section of 1.5 mm²) to one end and secured them with plastic brackets with a nail for fastening, for example, a television cable

you ask me why I made a plug here? I’ll answer you simply: in order to remove the shelf if necessary without disconnecting the wires from the speaker itself (the speakers themselves all have almost flimsy terminal pads), do not disturb the terminals and do not confuse the polarity of the wires, and the plug for the new “Bauble”, which will be in the next logbook...

I secured the result of the work done to furniture corners and, of course, screws! here is the finished result!)) Rejoice, rate, ask, don’t forget to like and of course make it according to my drawings...

Ready acoustic shelf!) PS when the trunk door is closed there is a small gap for air flow to the valve... by the way, I will also finalize the valve soon... A linear meter of carpet is 150 rubles (1x1.5 meters) Hot glue gun 7 mm. 120 rub. Hot-melt adhesive 1 strip (20 cm) 11 rubles (in total it took two and a half pieces) well, roughly speaking, three pieces = 33 rubles.

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Second version of the rear shelf

It all started with the fact that I was given rear speakers (burdocks), but there was nowhere to place these same mugs, so it was decided to make a shelf.
Since I don’t have the necessary tools, I had to turn to a jack of all trades for help - my father

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