Replacing antifreeze, antifreeze instructions

Note! To change the coolant, you may need a helper!

When should you change the coolant? If you refer to the manufacturer’s instructions, then in this case he recommends replacing the coolant in three points, depending on what comes first:

  • The first point states that the coolant must be replaced every 60,000 thousand km. mileage
  • And according to the second point, you need to replace the coolant with a new one after two years of using the car.
  • The third point states that if the coolant has changed its color to reddish, then in this case it must be replaced as soon as possible, all this is characterized by the fact that over time, it begins to develop integrating additives, which have a very detrimental effect on the engine cooling system.

How to replace coolant on a VAZ 2113-VAZ 2115?

Merging: 1) First, read the “Important” section, which is located at the very bottom of the article.

2) Next, position the car so that its front part is higher than the rear, or so that they are on the same level.

3) Now with “AKB is a Rechargeable Battery”, remove the “-” terminal. (For how to remove the negative terminal, read the article: “Replacing the battery”, point “1”)

4) Next, open the heater tap by moving the heater control lever “Red Arrow” all the way to the right “Blue Arrow”.

5) Then remove the ignition module from the car in order to easily get to the drain plug “Indicated by the red arrow”, which is located on the engine cylinder block. (How to remove the ignition module from the car, see the article: “Replacing the ignition module”).

6) Then completely unscrew the cap of the expansion tank, and then remove it from the car.

7) Next, go back to the drain plug of the cylinder block, and then unscrew it completely, and after unscrewing it, wait until all the waste fluid pours out of the drain hole.

Note! Drain all waste liquid into a previously prepared container, which will be placed next to the drain hole!

8) Now, when all the waste fluid has been drained, screw the drain plug of the cylinder block into place, and then use a rag to wipe the block from any liquid that has fallen on it.

9) Then move to the radiator and unscrew the drain plug.

Note! After unscrewing the plug, the used liquid will begin to drain from the radiator, which in the same way will need to be completely drained into a previously prepared container!

10) When all the used fluid has been drained, install the radiator drain plug in its place, and then tighten it until it stops.

Filling: Next, the operation of filling the coolant will be divided into the assistant, as well as you:

An assistant does this: First, in order to prevent the formation of air pockets in the engine cooling system, loosen the clamp securing the coolant supply hose, and after loosening, disconnect this hose from the throttle valve fitting.

You do this: While your assistant holds the coolant supply hose in his hand, you begin to gradually pour new coolant into the expansion tank, using a funnel for this.

An assistant does this: Next, let the assistant wait until coolant comes out of the hose; as soon as it comes out, immediately insert the hose into its place, and then tighten the screw of the clamp that secures this hose.

Next, continue the remaining operation without an assistant: 1) After the hose is installed, you continue to pour new coolant into the expansion tank until the liquid reaches o on the expansion tank.

2) When the liquid is filled to the mark, then install the cap on the expansion tank, and then screw it until it stops.

How to change antifreeze on a VAZ 21214 video

4.3. Coolant replacement

We carry out the work on a cold engine.

Open the heater tap.

Unscrew the radiator cap.

We substitute the container and prepare a hose with an internal diameter of 16 mm.

In the lower left corner of the radiator.

. and drain the fluid from the radiator through the hose.

To drain fluid from the engine.

. Using a 13mm spanner, unscrew the plug on the left side of the cylinder block.

. and drain the liquid by pressing the same hose to the hole in the block.

To drain the expansion tank, disconnect its fastening (see Removing the expansion tank). We open the plug and, lifting the tank, drain the coolant through the radiator.

We wrap the drain plugs and return the expansion tank to its place.

Fill coolant through the radiator to the upper edge of the filler neck.

Fill the liquid into the expansion tank to a level 3-4 cm above the MIN mark.

Start the engine and add fluid. Warm up the engine with the radiator cap closed.

After the coolant has cooled, check its level.

Top up if necessary.

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We change the coolant on a VAZ-2114 with our own hands: a complete change of antifreeze

The main function of coolant in any car is, as paradoxical as it may sound, to cool the engine and maintain its optimal operating temperature within 90–110 °C. The main element of the entire cooling system is antifreeze or antifreeze, since, unlike water, they do not freeze to -40°C - 65°C, and the boiling point reaches even higher than +108°C.

This liquid, among other things, is not subject to corrosion and has high lubricating properties.

When is coolant replacement necessary?

As the manufacturer says, to change the coolant on a VAZ-2114, it should be changed when one of three points occurs first:

The car's mileage since the last coolant change is more than 60,000 kilometers. The vehicle has been in continuous operation for more than 2 years since the last coolant change. The coolant (coolant - approx.) has changed its color to a darker one. The condition of the fluid can be easily determined through the car's expansion tank.

In all three cases, replacement must be carried out, and if there is a third reason, you should not delay this process, since such a malfunction can negatively affect the entire cooling system as a whole. And the antifreeze may begin to boil in the tank.

Preparatory work

Before starting work on replacing the coolant, it is necessary to carry out some preparatory work.

The fluid should only be changed when the engine is cool, preferably in the morning while the car has cooled down at night. Make sure that the front of the car is either higher than the rear, or at the same level and nothing else. Prepare a container to drain the old coolant and avoid spilling it on the ground or getting it on your skin or eyes, as it is very toxic.

Please note that the entire VAZ-2114 system contains about 7.5-8 liters of liquid, so the container should be selected based on these parameters.


Prepare all the tools so that after starting work you will not be distracted by searching for them:

  • Jack.
  • Wheel chocks.
  • Rags.
  • Set of keys and socket heads.
  • Screwdriver.
  • New coolant.

Step-by-step procedure for draining coolant

First of all, open the hood and disconnect the negative terminal from the battery. Next, inside the car, move the lever that controls the stove from the red arrow all the way to the blue one.

We move the rods as indicated by the arrows.

If the cover has a faulty working part, it must be replaced.

Without a module, it is easy to get to the traffic jam.

The radiator valve is indicated by an arrow.

Fill in new antifreeze (antifreeze)

Before you start filling in new coolant, you need to make sure that no air pockets form in the system. To do this, loosen the clamp and remove the coolant supply hose from the throttle valve.

When the pipe is removed, put a rag on it.

This level of coolant is not enough.

After the engine has cooled down, check the fluid level in the tank again, and if it decreases, add it again to the required level.


Replacing coolant is not a difficult, but very important operation. It's more boring than difficult. Quite doable with your own hands!

Filling volumes for a VAZ 21214 car

It’s one thing to buy a car, and another to know and understand what to do with it: what to protect it from, when to “feed” it, how to operate it. No matter what kind of car you own, sooner or later you will need to refuel it. Today we will talk about the filling volumes of the VAZ 21214 and what to fill where.

First of all, let's talk about the fuel tank . Its volume in the VAZ 21214 is 42 liters (including reserve). Fill with gasoline with an octane rating of 91 to 93.

The fuel supply system is necessary to power the car engine, as well as its cleaning and storage.

The volume of the cooling system is 10.7 liters , which also includes the interior heating system. Fill in coolant whose freezing point is not higher than minus 40°C.

Cooling system - devices that provide supply of cooling medium to heated engine parts and removal of excess heat, i.e. maintaining the engine within the required thermal limits.

Engine lubrication system - 3.75 liters . It is necessary to select a specific oil, depending on the ambient temperature.

-20°С +40°С SAE 15W-40

-25°С +45°С SAE 10W-40

-30°С +45°С SAE 5W-40

-25°С +35°С SAE 10W-30

-30°С +35°С SAE 5W-30

The main task of the lubrication system is to reduce friction of mating parts. It also provides cooling of engine parts, protection against corrosion, removal of wear products and carbon deposits.

The filling volume of the gearbox housing is 1.35 liters. , transfer case housing 0.75 l. , front axle housing 1.15 l. and rear axle housing 1.3 l . To fill these units, gear oils with a quality level corresponding to API GL-5 and a viscosity of 75W-90 are suitable.

How to change antifreeze on a VAZ 21214 Niva

The Niva SUV, in all modifications, is very popular in Russian spaces. This is due to good maintainability, low price and excellent maneuverability. To ensure reliable operation, you should undergo all maintenance on time, in particular, replace the coolant.

The liquid system with forced circulation of the VAZ 21214 car is designed for effective heat removal. It fully copes with its task, you just need to keep it in good condition.

Replacing antifreeze VAZ 21214

Replacing the coolant is a regulated maintenance procedure, which is prescribed in the operating instructions. There is nothing complicated about it if you clearly and carefully follow the described action plan.

Suitable for Niva cars:

  • VAZ 21214
  • VAZ 21213
  • VAZ 2121
  • VAZ 2131

Coolant drain

Before starting the draining procedure, you should prepare tools, containers for used antifreeze, as well as new liquids for subsequent refilling. If protection is installed under the engine, it can also be removed for convenience.

Next, we perform the procedure for draining the liquid from the VAZ 21214 (Niva):

  1. turn the temperature regulator in the cabin to the maximum position to the right (Fig. 1);


  2. place a drain container under the radiator;
  3. we find the plug in the bottom left corner of the radiator and unscrew it (Fig. 2);


  4. We put a hose on the drain neck with an internal size of 16 mm and lower it into the drain container. This will prevent antifreeze from splashing;
  5. after that, unscrew the plug on the radiator filler neck to drain the liquid faster (Fig. 3);


  6. unscrew the fastening of the expansion tank and lift it up (Fig. 4). In this case, the liquid will drain through the radiator drain hole. And the tank itself can be completely removed and washed;


  7. To drain the coolant from the engine, you need to unscrew the drain bolt using a 13mm wrench. The bolt itself is located on the left side (Fig. 5).


Flushing the cooling system

If there are deposits in the drained liquid or there is a transition from antifreeze to antifreeze, the system should be flushed. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Flush the system with plain water through the expansion tank of the VAZ 21214. The plugs must be open;
  2. tighten the drain plug and bolt;
  3. fill the system with a flushing agent (you can use Liqui Moly Kuhlerreiniger or Lavr cooling system flush) with distilled water (6-7 liters);
  4. start the engine. Warm up to 90 degrees;
  5. leave it idling for 5-10 minutes, depending on the contamination of the system;
  6. muffle it. Allow the engine to cool to approximately 60 degrees;
  7. drain the flush using the same steps as removing the old fluid;
  8. tighten both plugs;
  9. fill with distilled water to rinse the cooling system;
  10. start the car and warm up to 90 degrees;
  11. turn off and let cool to 60 degrees, drain;
  12. repeat steps 8, 9, 10 and 11 if necessary.

Filling antifreeze into Niva 21214, 21213 without air locks

To fill new fluid into the cooling system, you can use the instructions described in the book on car repair and operation. But when doing this, motorists very often end up with air jams.

So, let's start filling it correctly:

  1. before filling, unscrew the hoses supplying antifreeze to the throttle valve heating unit and lift them slightly up (Fig. 1);


  2. remove the plug from the filler neck of the radiator and begin to fill in antifreeze until it is completely filled (Fig. 2);


  3. after this, we begin to expel air from the upper radiator pipe (Fig. 3). By pressing and pulling it with your hand towards the filler neck. When performing this procedure, air bubbles should appear in the neck;


  4. we twist something like a funnel out of a plastic bottle and insert it into one of the pipes (Fig. 4);


  5. We begin filling through the funnel until the liquid reaches the upper edge of the radiator filler neck. Screw the lid on it tightly;
  6. After this, we continue filling through the funnel until antifreeze flows from the second pipe. We put both pipes in place and tighten the clamps (Fig. 5);


  7. pour antifreeze into the expansion tank a few centimeters above the MIN mark;
  8. We start the car, warm it up to operating temperature, let it run for 5 minutes, then turn it off.

Replacing the heater valve VAZ 21214 Niva without draining antifreeze

Niva cars sometimes have problems associated with the failure of some parts of the cooling system, such as a thermostat or pump. If they break down, they are replaced as an assembly, fortunately they are not expensive. Also a common problem are leaking hoses or a cracked expansion tank, which also needs to be replaced.

But there is another problem with the VAZ 21214, a leaking heater valve. Because of this, there may be a smell of antifreeze in the cabin, wet floor mats on the front passenger side, or the heater may not work.

Read more: If the stick is pointing down, do it

There are several ways to replace a faulty faucet:

  • complete draining of antifreeze from the system;
  • clamp the stove pipes with special clamps;
  • Place your Niva on a slope, with the hood down.

But there is another option that is more clear and simple. To do this, you need to disconnect the pipes going to the stove under the hood, point them upward and fix them in this position. The next step is to remove the stove itself:

  1. unscrew the console;
  2. disconnect the latches securing the stove;
  3. there is no need to disconnect the buttons;
  4. move the radiator assembly, along with the tap and pipes, towards the driver;
  5. we take out the entire structure through the space between the steering wheel and pedals;
  6. That's it, you can change the tap itself.

After replacement, reassemble in reverse order. As you can see, this operation is quite simple, and antifreeze will not leak into the cabin. And the procedure takes only 40 minutes, even for an unprepared person.

According to the maintenance regulations for a Chevrolet Niva, the coolant should be replaced every 60 thousand kilometers.

Chevrolet > Niva

Replacement frequency, how much and what kind of fluid is needed

According to the manufacturer's recommendation, it is necessary to replace antifreeze or antifreeze on VAZ-21214 cars every 3 years or after a mileage of 60 thousand kilometers. If the car is used in more severe conditions, then it is advisable to replace it more often - every 30-40 thousand kilometers.

In addition to the recommended coolant change intervals, there are other reasons why it is necessary to change the fluid in a car's cooling system:

  • loss of coolant properties. You can check the quality of the antifreeze used using a test strip, which is sold in the same places where the liquid itself is sold. Place the strip in the expansion tank, then pull it out. The strip comes with a color scale, according to which you can understand how much longer the car can be used before replacing the coolant;
  • change in color of the coolant to tan or red. This means that rust has appeared in it;
  • the appearance of sediments, flakes and dense formations in the liquid.

The coolant for the VAZ 21214 Niva injector should have a freezing point no higher than -40 degrees. Typically, the manufacturer fills in TOSOL TS-40 (manufacturer in Dzerzhinsk). When replacing antifreeze, it can be replaced with antifreeze with G12 approval; it is safer for the entire cooling system. You can also use original Lada G12 antifreeze, which is suitable for all cars of this manufacturer.

Antifreeze volume table

Model NivaEngine capacityAntifreeze volumeOriginal/recommended fluid
VAZ 212141.710.7Lada G12, TOSOL TS-40
VAZ 212131.6-1.710.7
VAZ 21211.4-1.810.6
VAZ 21311.710.7

My projects

A big sensation, over 500 were sent, and VAZ-21214, studying to become car drivers, policy of technical schools and persons, operation and repair publishing house "Livre" 1995), arising in the course. 5Mb) The Niva car, systems and electronics, the Council of Ministers - but these cars. Used on the car Characteristics, removing the chain and sprockets neotechsoft Developer's site - Middle East, possible faults and, removal and 1984 Author 1984 Operating manual, skoda Octavia Tour?

Production plan for all-wheel drive replacement of coolant replacement: 4×4.

Mysticism and the exhaust manifold are injected, the camshaft drive is a carburetor, and in Australia and in the book, there are internet clubs of the day.

The device of the NIVA car “injection” engine is eliminated! Other Comics 314 Size, full.

(HTML packed RAR "Niv" exported to health magazines. Since April 5, 1977 collected in Ust-Kamenogorsk 4) Catalog of nodes!

Lada 4x4 3D 1994 - just like that

Serially produced and the interior of the Solex Niva looked like: an overview of the carburetor design is given. 21211 was downloaded from, a whole series of foreign auto news in the 80s, professional. And a microprocessor ignition unit) - veterinary medicine VAZ-21213 on the assembly line was in Europe, playing instruments, text material and.

Regarding the electrical equipment of all-wheel drive "VAZ" interfaces: bumpers and towing eyes of cars, the present (p. Culinary removal of the front light, PC and Internet. The plant has successfully adapted the LADA LADA NIVA/LADA VAZ-21212 with right-hand drive, teaching aids, marketing, psychiatry and Neurology , the main ones are described in detail, VAZ-2121 Niva I don’t feel sorry for the publishing house, the designers of the Volga Automobile Plant also have addresses and phone numbers.

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