Replacing the water pump Lada Kalina 8 valves

Domestic cars are always in constant demand in Russia. On the one hand, these are affordable means of transportation, on the other hand, their ease of maintenance allows you to carry out repairs on your own. One of the most serious breakdowns of the Lada Kalina can be considered pump defects. Indeed, if the pump is out of order, you cannot operate the car - there is a high probability of the motor jamming. Therefore, Kalina owners should pay special attention to the performance of the pump and the engine cooling system as a whole.

Why do you need a pump in a car?

The pump (or water pump) on the Lada Kalina is a device that circulates coolant. The pump starts working together with the power unit, that is, after the moment of ignition, the pump also starts working.

The circulation of antifreeze/antifreeze in the system is ensured by the rotation of the pump shaft on which the impeller is located . The impeller blades create the necessary fluid pressure, due to which the motor is cooled uninterruptedly. However, if there are any defects in the pump, antifreeze stops being supplied to the cylinder blocks, so the engine can “boil” and fail. Therefore, for high-quality and timely cooling of the engine, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the pump.

Original pump, which is installed on the Lada Kalina

Device feature, failure symptoms

This is what the pump for Kalina looks like

The pump works in conjunction with the engine. It ensures uninterrupted operation of the fuel supply and cooling systems. The first one transfers fuel from the tank to the engine. The next reason is the forced pumping of antifreeze, or antifreeze.

The water pump-impeller, located on the shaft, is covered by a housing. The shaft has ball bearings at both ends and rotates due to a rotating moment by means of a belt attached to the engine.

Symptoms of a water pump failure:

  • the reddish section of the tachometer indicates the overheating temperature of the car’s engine, this is confirmed by the readings of the device;
  • in the cabin of the Kalina car there is a persistent smell from the evaporation of antifreeze;
  • a sound similar to a whistle can be heard quite clearly - repair or replacement of the pump is needed;
  • there is an option to find drops of water under the car (to identify the problem, leave a sheet of snow-white paper under the car while you sleep).
  • Restoring the pump to function requires experience and special tools. It is better to entrust the work to 100% specialists, and at the same time replace the pump with the newest one.

    How to determine if the pump is faulty on Kalina

    The first sign that the water pump on a car has started to work incorrectly can be considered extraneous noise in the engine compartment while driving.

    Lada Kalina cars are equipped with water pumps with a strictly fixed service life - 60 thousand kilometers or 48 months of operation (whichever comes first). Therefore, when this period approaches, it is recommended to change the pump, even if there are no signs of malfunctions yet.

    However, in some cases, the pump may fail earlier than stated. You can check the functionality of the water pump in the simplest way:

    Warm up the engine to the optimal temperature. After warming up, use a gloved hand to pinch the upper pipe that comes from the radiator.

    If the pump is working properly, you will immediately feel the fluid pressure in the nozzle. Accordingly, the pump works as coolant circulates through the system.

    If pressure is felt, but weak, or not at all, it will be necessary to proceed to a detailed inspection of the pump.

    You will have to remove the timing case and visually assess the external condition of the pump.

    If there is a leak of antifreeze at the landing site, it means that the oil seal (seal) has failed.

    If a roar is heard while driving, we can conclude that the pump shaft bearing has worn out. You can pump the drive part of the pump gear by hand. If there is play, the pump will not work correctly.

    Loss of pump tightness leads to disruption of fluid circulation in the system

    Thus, it is possible to identify pump malfunctions without removing it from the car. The procedure is quite simple and accessible even to a novice driver.

    Pump Lubrication Procedure

    When drivers talk about lubricating the pump, they mean lubricating the water pump bearings. There are two bearings installed on the shaft, which require a small amount of lubricant to operate correctly. Experienced drivers lubricate the pump without removing it from the car:

    Remove the gas distribution casing.

    Clean the pump mounting area and the pump housing itself from deposits, dust and dirt.

    Apply Litol-24 or VNIINP-207 with your finger to the joints of the housing.

    A better lubrication procedure will be carried out during pump repairs, when faulty parts are replaced. However, this procedure can also ensure a normal amount of lubricant in the bearings:

    In principle, it is possible, but it is not convenient to remove the oil seal. Remove the oil seal and lubricate the cage with warm lithol, it covers the balls there but there are slots in it, so it will still get on the balls, although there may be lubricant there

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    Let's sum it up

    As you can see, replacing a pump is not such a difficult process. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions and decide in advance which pump is better. We recommend checking the tightness of the system by warming up the LADA Kalina engine until it reaches the operating temperature. If no leaks or noises are detected, then we boldly hit the road.

    Quite a lot of car owners are wondering how to check the pump without removing it from the engine. After all, it is highly not recommended to mess around with the cooling system, so it’s worth learning how to check it directly on the car. Please note that this will minimize repair time and also make it possible to avoid unnecessary costs for unnecessary components. Even a completely inexperienced driver can carry out such diagnostics, which will make his task easier, especially if the engine suddenly heats up. Do not delay carrying out diagnostic work; remember that overheating of the power plant leads to its rapid failure.

    How to check the pump without removing it from the engine is actually a fairly simple question. There shouldn't be any problems with this. But, you need to know how this system works. Careful study of the work process will greatly simplify the diagnostic process. Another point that should not be forgotten is the ability to carry out such diagnostics at any convenient time. Even if you are on the road in a deserted area, you can conduct a check and decide on further movement.

    Replacing the pump on a Lada Kalina (8 valves)

    On an 8-valve Kalina, you can change the water pump yourself. However, if the car owner does not have minimal experience in car maintenance, many questions may arise. For example, which pump to buy, how to choose the right tool, and is it worth draining the antifreeze from the system completely?

    Which pump to choose

    When the time comes to change the water pump, car owners begin to look at car dealerships for a worthy replacement. But which pump to choose so that it lasts as long as possible and does not cause problems for the owner?

    It is important to choose original factory products. This is immediately evident from the packaging - an uncreased box, a warranty card, the date of manufacture and service life are indicated. Original pumps are necessarily packaged in protective film and have holographic stickers.

    In contrast, it will not last long - after 10 thousand kilometers the pump will need to be changed again.

    At AVTOVAZ, designers install a TZA water pump on the Kalina. It has a long service life; drivers often change the pump only after 100 thousand kilometers. As an alternative, you can install more expensive German-made Bosch pumps - they are also famous for their quality and durability.

    Where is the water pump located on Kalina?

    Due to the fact that the pump is driven by the timing belt, it is part of the gas distribution mechanism. That is, you need to look for the water pump on the Lada Kalina from the side of the engine itself. Visually, before removing the belt, you can only see the pump pulley, which is involved in the gas distribution system.

    The pump on the VAZ is located in the timing device

    Preparing tools

    It is recommended to prepare a standard set of tools for removing bolts and unscrewing nuts. You will also need a 6-point hex key. To drain the antifreeze without contamination and inconvenience, it is better to immediately find a container for draining and a rag to blot up any drops that have fallen on the engine elements. To ensure reliable installation of the pump, you can use a sealant with good thermal conductivity properties.

    How much coolant to drain/fill when replacing the pump

    In any case, before dismantling the old pump, you will need to drain the antifreeze from the system. This is necessary in order to reduce the pressure in the hoses and not be injured during sudden releases of liquid.

    If the water pump has not been changed for a long time, then it is advisable to immediately drain the entire volume of antifreeze from the system and replace it with a new one. If the car owner has recently filled in new coolant, then there is no point in completely draining it: just disconnect the hoses from the expansion tank and wait until the antifreeze comes out.

    Recommendations for choosing a pump

    When the time comes to replace the pump on Kalina, car enthusiasts do not know which pump to buy so as not to throw money away. When purchasing, you need to refer to car catalogs and read reviews from other car owners about the quality of the pumps they have chosen. The magazine "Behind the Wheel" provides truthful information about spare parts for the Lada Kalina. You can get acquainted with tests and inspection results, opinions about manufacturing companies.

    When purchasing, pay attention to the packaging. It must be of high quality, with a warranty card and an indication of the date of manufacture. Seals and gaskets to protect against damage must also be present. All products have holographic stickers. They must be glued neatly, without scuffs. The attached instructions should contain general information about the spare part and briefly describe how to install a particular unit.

    A defective item will last approximately 10 thousand km. If there are no problems with the pump after covering 100 thousand km, we can say that the quality of the purchased product is excellent. The manufacturer installs a TZA pump on the Lada Kalina; it has a long service life.

    pump is a pump responsible for circulating water by cooling it. The unit is located in the front part of the cylinder block. If the pump is deficient, the motor overheats, which leads to boiling and breakdowns.

    How to connect an additional pump on the Lada Kalina

    Most modern cars have two water pumps installed at once. This ensures the highest quality engine cooling in any operating conditions. You can also install a second (additional) pump on the Lada Kalina, and this work takes a little time and effort. The most difficult thing is to get to the place where the pump is fixed, since you will have to disassemble many engine compartment parts.

    An additional pump is needed not only for high-quality engine cooling. Mostly, Russian car owners install a second pump to improve the operation of the heater in the cabin during the winter - the car warms up faster.

    In order to install the second pump on the Kalina, you will need:

    hoses of different lengths;

    fasteners (depending on where exactly it will be easier and more convenient to screw the pump);

    The essence of the work is to organize a small circle of coolant circulation throughout the system.

    Doing the work yourself

    The first step is to assemble the assembly itself from the materials that are at hand. The pump is connected to two hoses (the short one will provide fluid removal, and the long one will provide supply). The hoses are attached to the two ends of the pump with clamps. Then follow the following procedure:

    1. The coolant will need to be drained. You can simply empty the expansion tank without draining the entire volume of antifreeze.
    2. Near the bottom of the car, find two hoses (one leads the antifreeze to the stove, and the other takes it away from it). Disconnect the outlet hose and instead attach the assembled structure with an additional pump.
    3. After this, attach the pump to the gearbox housing. Depending on the availability of fasteners, you can place the device on brackets or secure the pump with metal clamps.

    In this case, the hoses are connected with clamps, and the pump itself is mounted on a metal bracket

    At the end of the work, you will need to plug all hoses and plugs and fill in new antifreeze.

    Video: second pump - preparation and installation

    Thus, on Lada Kalina cars, the owner can independently change the water pump without resorting to the help of service station specialists. This will save money and also allow you to independently control the operation of the pump, taking into account the knowledge about the state of the machine system that was obtained during operation.

    The pump in the engine of any car is the main component of the cooling system. During operation, the motor gets quite hot. To avoid overheating, the unit is cooled with liquid (antifreeze), which is forced to circulate through a closed cooling system. It is the pump that ensures the circulation of coolant.

    Functions and purpose of a pump in a car

    Normal engine operation is impossible without a cooling system that circulates coolant through the pipeline (system components, pipes and hoses). The purpose of the pump (water pump) is to ensure constant movement of antifreeze throughout the entire system while the engine is running. If at some point the pump stops functioning, this will immediately disrupt the thermal conditions of the engine. In this case, the coolant will boil, which can lead to serious engine damage.

    Structurally, the pump is a fairly simple structure, consisting of a metal body and a pulley and impeller located on the shaft. The pulley is driven by a belt from the engine crankshaft. An impeller is located on a shaft inside the housing, which moves the coolant with blades from one part of the cooling system to another. This is how the motor is cooled.

    Fuel pump: design features

    Carburetor cars had mechanical pumps. The drive or dam pushed the diaphragm, during which a vacuum was created and fuel entered the carburetor. Currently, almost all cars have an injection engine and an electronic pump. It delivers hot food at high speed and maintains steady pressure in the system. The electric motor, together with the working rotor, pushes the fuel. The pump is located in the gasoline tank itself. During operation, fuel becomes coolant and lubricant. There are car models that have two pumps: the main one is under the hood, the worker is located in the fuel tank.

    • ODS is the main method of protecting a machine. This is a closed-type forced circulation liquid. If the interior heating device supplies cool air, but the Kalina engine overheats, this means that there is a malfunction in the operation of the car. Components of a complex of accounting programs:
    • special motor shell;
    • heat exchanger with electric fan;
    • device for maintaining a constant temperature;
    • suction device;
    • expansion tank;
    • contact tubes.

    How to determine if the pump is faulty on Kalina

    Despite its simple design, the pump may fail sooner or later. The first signal of incorrect operation of the water pump is extraneous noise that occurs when the engine is running. On the Lada-Kalina, the service life of the device is 60 thousand kilometers or after 48 months of operation. When one of these indicators is reached, it is recommended to replace the part without waiting for signs of malfunction to appear.

    A fairly common reason for pump failure is the appearance of extraneous noise, which is associated with bearing wear.

    But there are situations when a pump breakdown occurs much earlier than the specified period. Assessing the performance of a node is quite simple. To do this you need:

    1. Start and warm up the engine to operating temperature.
    2. Put a glove on your hand and squeeze the upper radiator pipe. When the pump is working, pressure will immediately be felt, which is due to the circulation of liquid through the system.
    3. If there appears to be little or no pressure, the pump should be inspected in more detail.

    To assess the external condition of the pump, you will need to dismantle the timing drive casing and make sure it is in good condition. In this case, you should keep in mind the following nuances:

    1. If a coolant leak is observed at the junction of the device housing and the engine, it means that the oil seal has failed.
    2. The appearance of noise from under the hood when the engine is running indicates high bearing wear.
    3. There should be no axial movement when rocking the drive gear. If there is play, then normal operation of the pump is impossible.

    A fairly common failure is the appearance of a coolant leak due to a damaged oil seal.

    In these simple ways, the performance of the pump is determined. Even if you have no experience in car repair, you can find a faulty part. If it has been discovered that the pump has some problems, then there is no need to delay repairs, since simple malfunctions can lead to a major overhaul of the motor.

    How to lubricate the pump on Kalina

    If we talk about servicing a water pump, then we are talking about lubricating the bearings of the device. The design uses two bearings located on the shaft. They don't require much lubrication to function properly, but they are necessary. When working “dry”, the wear of the part increases sharply. With some experience, the pump can be lubricated without removing it from the car. All you need to do is follow these steps:

    1. Remove the timing cover.
    2. Remove dirt from the pump and its seating area.
    3. Apply a little Litol-24 lubricant to the housing joints.

    How to check?

    An important point is to check the pump. Many car enthusiasts believe that in order to diagnose it, it is necessary to dismantle the part, but in most cases you can do without this. There are a number of signs by which you can understand that the problem is in the pump. To begin with, it is worth noting that most manufacturers recommend replacing the water pump after 60-80 thousand kilometers

    . In some cases, regulations indicate the need to replace simultaneously with the timing belt. Therefore, if the pump on your car has gone through such a mileage, then it makes sense to replace it at the first opportunity.

    Replacing a pump on an 8-valve Kalina

    On a Kalina with an 8-valve engine, replacing the pump is not so difficult. But if a novice car enthusiast needs to do the work, he often has various questions. For example, what part to choose, what tool will be needed during work, what to do and in what order.

    Which pump to choose for Kalina

    When the time to replace the pump approaches or the part fails, many Kalina car owners are faced with the problem of choosing a pump. It’s clear that car owners want it to work for as long as possible. In order not to make a mistake, you need to consult with experts and read the reviews of other drivers. However, preference should be given to factory-made products.

    When purchasing, pay special attention to the packaging: it must be of high quality, uncreased, with a gasket inserted inside, a warranty card, and a specified service life of the part. A high-quality product is packaged in a box with a holographic sticker. A TZA pump is installed, which has a fairly long service life.

    You need to approach the choice of pump with all responsibility and not purchase a part from an unknown manufacturer.

    The most preferred manufacturers of water pumps include:

    It is quite difficult to answer unequivocally which manufacturer’s pump is better. Each detail has its own pros and cons. Which option to choose depends only on the owner. Pumps from VAZ-2108–09 and 21114 are also suitable for the 8-valve Kalina.

    Video: review of water pumps for VAZ

    Where is the pump located on Kalina?

    On the Lada-Kalina car, the pump is driven by the timing belt and is part of the gas distribution mechanism. To carry out repair work, you need to look for the pump on the right side of the power unit. Without removing the timing belt, only the device pulley can be seen.

    The water pump on the Lada Kalina is located on the right side of the engine

    What tools will you need?

    To replace the pump, you need a standard set of tools (wrenches, sockets), as well as a 6-point hexagon. It is necessary to select a suitable container and rags for draining the antifreeze in order to minimize engine contamination. Even though a new gasket is used when installing the part, for reliability it is recommended to use a sealant with high thermal conductivity.

    To replace the pump you will need a standard set of tools that every car owner should have at their disposal: keys, sockets, screwdrivers

    Preparatory activities

    Preparing to remove the pump comes down to the following steps:

    1. It is necessary to remove the engine protective splash guard. It is secured with 10mm turnkey bolts.
    2. Remove the positive terminal from the battery, as well as the high-voltage wires from the ignition coil. The coil, so as not to interfere with free access to the antifreeze drain, is removed and put aside. To do this, use a 5 mm hex key to unscrew the coil bracket fasteners.
    3. Drain the coolant from the cylinder block into a prepared container by unscrewing the drain plug with a key to “13”, and also unscrew the expansion tank cap.
    4. If the antifreeze needs to be drained from the radiator, then move the container under the drain hole and unscrew the plug.

    How much coolant to drain and add when replacing the pump

    Before replacing the pump, you will need to drain some coolant. As a rule, only part of the antifreeze is drained from the cylinder block; there is no need to touch the radiator. If there is leakage from the pipes, replace them too. In cases where the antifreeze and water pump were replaced a long time ago, it is recommended to completely drain all the antifreeze from the system to replace it with a new fluid.

    If the coolant has been changed recently, it is enough to remove the hoses from the expansion tank and wait until the liquid drains. After repair work, coolant is filled to the required level. It is recommended to replace the coolant every 60 thousand kilometers. The total volume of antifreeze in the Lada-Kalina cooling system is 7.84 liters.

    To drain antifreeze from the cylinder block, unscrew the plug with a 13 key, placing a suitable container under the engine

    Pump replacement procedure

    After the plastic engine protection is removed, you need to align the marks on the camshaft gear and the crankshaft flywheel. Otherwise, during the repair process, the valve timing may be disrupted, which will lead to additional problems. To align the marks, lift the front wheel with a jack and turn on fourth speed. By rotating the wheel, the crankshaft of the engine is turned. Before this procedure, you must remember to remove the plug that covers the marks on the flywheel. It is located on the side of the checkpoint. The mark on the flywheel must be aligned with the groove on the housing, and the camshaft mark must be positioned opposite the slot at the top.

    Video: installing timing marks on an 8-valve engine

    The further process consists of the following steps:

    1. Using the key “17”, release the tension roller and remove the timing belt from the camshaft gear. If the engine is 16-valve, then it has two gears.
    2. Using the same key, unscrew the camshaft gear mounting bolt, for which the part is wedged through the holes.

    To remove the protective plate, it is necessary to dismantle the camshaft gear using a 17 mm wrench.

    To remove the pump, you will need to remove the camshaft gear and protective plate.

    The pump is secured with three hexagon bolts, after unscrewing which the pump can be removed

    Before installing a new pump, clean the seat from the remnants of the old gasket.

    If the product comes with a cork gasket, then there is no need for additional lubrication. In the case of a cardboard gasket, it is better to use a sealant. The new pump is installed in place in the same position as the old one, securing the part with bolts. All that remains is to put all the dismantled elements in place and tighten the belt. It would be a good idea to check that the labels match. Then you can install the cover.

    Video: how to replace the water pump on Kalina

    Replacing the pump

    After checking the water pump, repairing it, or purchasing a new element, all that remains is to install it in place. We advise you to pay maximum attention to the moment of installing the gasket and tightening the fastening bolts. Some experts advise using sealants to provide reliable protection against leaks. Sometimes this is not possible because on some vehicles the sealant will prevent the pump from being loosened in the future to replace the timing belt.

    In some cases, car owners decide to replace the coolant and flush the system at the same time as replacing the pump. Instructions for performing washing were published on our website earlier -

    In addition, follow the manufacturer's recommendations regarding bolt tightening torque (this information is in the service manual). Otherwise, you may pinch the gasket or damage the threaded connection. Finally, you need to fill in the coolant.

    Important! If you used a sealant, wait a few hours for it to dry.

    In the process of adding antifreeze or antifreeze to the cooling system, it is necessary to get rid of air pockets. After installing a new or restored pump and warming up the power unit, be sure to inspect the installation site for coolant leaks.

    Additional pump for Lada-Kalina

    Some “Kalinovodov” are not satisfied with the standard heating of the cabin in winter. In order to somehow correct the situation and ensure the flow of hot air at idle, they resort to installing an additional pump. The part also provides better cooling in hot weather, especially when idling in traffic jams.

    An additional pump avoids the formation of air in the system. As a rule, a pump from a Gazelle, which is structurally equipped with an electric motor, is used as such a device. Install it in the gap in the small circle of the cooling system on the return pipe of the stove.

    An additional pump is installed in the gap in the return pipe of the stove to increase the efficiency of heating the interior in winter.

    How to install an additional pump

    For installation (in addition to the pump itself), you will need an additional relay and a button with which to control the device, hoses of different lengths, fasteners and sealant. You can choose any suitable place to secure the part. Quite often, car enthusiasts install a pump under the battery or under the transmission bolts. In the first case, the device is installed horizontally, in the second - vertically. Before installing the hoses, you must complete the following steps:

    1. Cut the hoses to the required length depending on the installation location and degrease them.
    2. Before installation, treat the mounting areas of the pipes with sealant.
    3. Secure the clamps evenly, slightly moving away from the edge of the hose.
    4. Drain the antifreeze.
    5. In the lower part of the engine compartment, find two pipes: one supplies coolant to the heater, the other takes it away. Remove the outlet hose and replace it with the pipe from the additional pump.
    6. Attach the pump to the gearbox housing. Mounting options may vary depending on available mounting hardware. These can be clamps or brackets.

    Determining the performance of a part

    In some ways, the water pump is a pretty tricky part. Without disassembling the timing belt assembly, it is not so easy to determine its performance.

    But there are some signs of a pump malfunction that require you to pay close attention to it:

    1. At an early stage of wear, bearing noise appears. Not every auto mechanic, let alone an ordinary car enthusiast, will be able to distinguish it. But if you managed to catch this noise, then there is a reason to look under the plastic cover of the gas distribution mechanism.
    2. Wet marks under the timing cover and a belt shiny with moisture indicate that antifreeze is gradually penetrating into the compartment. Naturally, through the pump.
    3. The belt is not in the center of the camshaft gear, but is shifted to the very edge. This happens when, due to play in the pump bearing, the gear warps and the belt slides to the side.
    4. The coolant in the expansion tank of the Lada Kalina gradually decreases, and wet spots are constantly observed under the car directly under the timing mechanism.

    Some tips on how to check your pump. If you observe one of these signs, then it is worth taking the time to remove the timing belt from the camshaft gear by releasing the tension roller. Now you can manually check the bearing play and, if any is found, immediately replace the part.

    Malfunctions of the water pump are fraught with consequences, including major engine overhauls. A non-functioning unit leads to overheating of the power unit, which entails failure of the piston rings and jamming of the pistons themselves in the liners.

    Some Kalina owners, in order to improve the performance of the cooling system, practice installing an additional pump. This is a very effective remedy for airing the system.

    As a rule, the additional pump is a standard water pump from the Gazelle, equipped with its own electric motor. The device crashes into the small circle of coolant circulation, or rather, it is placed on the return pipe of the stove. The electric motor is connected through an additional relay and a button inside the cabin so that the pump can be turned on if necessary.

    How to fix the problem?

    If a malfunction is identified, it should be eliminated as soon as possible. Here it is worth understanding that the pump is still a consumable, and in most cases it is easier to completely replace it.

    If there is a leak through the gasket, simply remove the pump and replace the gasket. Please note that normal tightness is required here. Therefore, be sure to carefully tighten the fastening nuts. Many drivers lubricate the gasket with sealant; such a precaution will not be superfluous. This will significantly reduce the risk of leakage. After some time, you should check the tightness of the nuts; they may loosen due to engine vibration.

    If the cause is the bearing or impeller, then the best solution is to replace the water pump. Repair in this case is complicated, but its effectiveness is low, so it is better to buy a new part and install it. Don’t forget to bleed the cooling system after replacing the pump; this will remove all air pockets, which will increase its efficiency.


    . The cooling system must operate at maximum efficiency, otherwise engine problems will occur. Therefore, it is simply necessary to know how to check the pump without removing it from the engine. This will avoid costly repairs to the power unit and save you a lot of money.

    The car engine cooling system pump (water pump) is an important element that prevents overheating of the power unit. The operation of the internal combustion engine is accompanied by significant heating, therefore, to protect against overheating, forced circulation of antifreeze in the system is necessary. A pump failure can cause the coolant to boil and cause engine failure. Today you will learn how to check the condition of the pump without removing the element from the engine, and what to do if a malfunction is detected.

    Preparatory activities

    Before changing the pump on Kalina, you will have to partially empty the cooling system. Antifreeze should only be drained from the cylinder block; there is no need to touch the radiator. Unless you notice fluid leaking on the pipes, then you can change the hoses at the same time. The procedure is performed according to the following algorithm:

    1. Remove the mudguard that protects the engine from below from dirt. It is held on by bolts with 10 mm socket heads.
    2. Disconnect the positive terminal from the battery and the high-voltage wires from the ignition coil. Unscrew the coil mount with a 5 mm hexagon and move it to the side, freeing access to the drain plug.
    3. Empty the cylinder block by placing a special container and unscrewing the drain plug with a 13 mm wrench. In this case, it is necessary to open the cap of the expansion tank.
    4. If you need to empty the radiator, you should move the container under its drain neck and also unscrew the plug.

    To carry out work on replacing the pump, no special pullers or devices are required. It is enough to have a set of regular and ring wrenches, a screwdriver and thin pliers. It is also quite possible to do without an inspection ditch by placing the car on a flat area and securing it with anti-roll bars.

    Disassembly and installation of a new part

    First of all, you need to gain access to the timing mechanism, for which, using a No. 10 key, unscrew the 3 bolts securing the protective plastic cover. If you are disassembling a 16-valve Kalina model, you will have to remove 2 covers by unscrewing 5 bolts with a No. 5 hexagon.

    Before further disassembly, you need to align all the marks on the crankshaft flywheel and the camshaft gear.

    Otherwise, during the work you can disrupt gas distribution and create a new problem for yourself.

    To align the marks, it is best to jack up the 1st front wheel, engage 4th gear and turn the crankshaft by turning the wheel manually. Before doing this, do not forget to remove the plug from the gearbox side that covers the marks on the flywheel.

    The mark on it should coincide with the groove on the body, and the camshaft gear mark should stand vertically at the top opposite the slot. Further disassembly is carried out in this order:

    • using wrench No. 17, loosen the roller and remove the timing belt from the camshaft gear (in a 16-valve engine - from 2 gears);
    • Using the same key, unscrew the bolt holding the gear, wedging it through the holes;
    • remove the gear (both in the 16V model) without losing the key;
    • dismantle the internal protective plate; in the 8V engine it is held on by 2 bolts, on the 16V engine by 5;
    • unscrew the 3 bolts securing the pump and pull it out of the socket;
    • remove the remains of the old gasket from the cylinder block.

    If a cork gasket is supplied with the new pump, then it does not need to be lubricated with anything, but it is better to place a cardboard gasket on the sealant. The new pump must be inserted into the socket in the same position as the old one and secured with bolts. After this, you can put all the parts back, put on and tighten the belt. Double-check that the marks match before replacing the covers.

    To prevent air pockets from forming when filling antifreeze, you need to remove the small pipe from the throttle valve heating unit. Filling is carried out until liquid flows out of it. Upon completion of assembly, it is recommended to check the system by starting the engine and warming it up to operating temperature.

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